Sunday, May 29, 2022

Sunday, May 29: Back Home then Manyunk Etc..


Well my friend alarm went off at 6:00 AM I turned it off couple times and then went back to sleep then my 9 o’clock alarm went
 off I turned it off went back to sleep. Actually I did get up at nine and eat breakfast to single back to sleep. I brought some cereal with me so eat that and look at videos double checked on the cat in the plant etc. and cotton Norristown high speed line back to Upper Darby. I have a 1 o’clock 

appointment to meet somebody in Manayunk I need a shower and shave really bad and I’m going to have to take Uber up there because training gonna cut it I don’t have 

enough time. Well I came home and gave myself a very thorough

 shower and shave. I then decided I needed to take Uber so I could not run around 

crazy and clean myself because I hadn’t showered in a day and a half

 and then I was pretty bad. I didn’t got up here and discovered that 

Main St., Manayunk really doesn’t have a lot of ATMs around here 

so I wonder around different ATM. I finally found an ATM near by that

 was at a deli. I went in and saw my friend and got a really heavy 

duty deep hard massage. She does deepest and hardest one that’s for sure. Some

 of it actually hurt a little bit she called me fat. Yikes I definitely 

have hit yoga very soon. Right now I just took the train after getting the bagel 

and coffee with my friend at a nearby coffee shop. The train took me to 

downtown I decided that I would visit another friend Mike and then hit the 

early night out meeting. God I’ve been to that one in age I’m gonna go 

to an indoor meeting it’s pretty well ventilated. It’s now 4:03 PM meeting starts 

at  5:30 PM. I went to Mike with my Pepsi and we talked for a little while. 

I enjoyed that . Ivan saw it was 5:10 PM and decided I needed to try to go to the early night out. They don’t have this meeting at 12 and Locust anymore they have 

it at the ethical society. It’s probably in that basement. And it’s a really 
nice day out it turned out very nice today. Called a little bit better today

 but my nose is still running away. I suppose after this meeting I’m 

going to go home. I’m still working with the emails and things did improve today in that regard. Let’s just hope it maintains. I went home and I started I’d order some Indian so I went back to 40th St. on the train and then yup while I was waiting for the train talk to homeless dude they were definitely high

 on something I think heroine in there lying  motionless one was @the

 bottom of the steps in miles on a bench. I called 911 they transfer me a 

Delaware County and then the train came and I headed to cover beach 

and picked up a couple orders and then came back and ate. Wasn’t a bad day 

I just get really moody I feel and I feel pretty good and I feel bad and then I feel confused 

and I just don’t care etc. etc. etc. but overall it’s beginning to look like summer.

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