Saturday, May 28, 2022

Friday, May 27: Fighting a Cold. Fighting Myself

Well, I got some sleep last night. I’m still trying to beat back this cold. I’m gonna take my second stab at taking the Covid test. I woke up a 
little after 10 to try to meet my friend at 11 AM we found out that we thought we talked at 1 PM but I ended up meeting her 
around 11:35 AM. We’re gonna try to beat the rain to load up her car so she can move out to Lewisburg Pennsylvania where she’s from. He’s going to crash at my place till Tuesday and then 

she’s off to Lewisburg. I made it clear that Tuesday was one and

 done deadline due to my trauma three years ago. Today was definitely one of 

these days that was bound to happen. I first asked Pat if I could let my friend

 stay till Tuesday and he went off and said no. Just when I was leaving with 

my friend to get her a hotel I ran into. That was awkward I agreed

 to meet   for a half hour. And after a half hour  going to call me at 7:30. And I got a motel on route 202 and I'm 

waiting for the bus to get me back home or at least to the Norristown line back to 69th St. It's rainy and shitty here. Well the rain stopped and I got back home  I took a nap. It was a restless 

nap but it was a useful nap. I then got the Zipcar and picked it up from West Philadelphia just in the nick of time and then I 
drove out to Ardmore. I had a discussion for an hour and I thought it was helpful better than doing nothing. I felt OK but I had nagging self-doubt 
hanging over me as usual. I thought I was weak in someway areas and apparently I can’t be week ever because
 then I pay for it on and on. Anyway I came home and ate had dinner and that was that. It’s been an exhausting day and an exhausting

 time since I got back from Florida. Battling a cold battling my mind and trying to handle a very volatile situation. Some errors
in judgment 

or worse than other errors in judgment. Some last for a long long long long long long time. Unless depressing move I’m visiting my friend in Buffalo. Maybe I’ll just 

shuffle off the Buffalo like the Grateful Dead did or somebody did it seem to be an affordable city yeah the cold sucks but I can always fly up to California

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