Sunday, January 03, 2021

Sunday, January 3: A Long Walk on the Manayunk Trail

Afternoon everybody it is Sunday, January 3, 2021. I woke up a little bit earlier today not early but earlier. We had some coffee and something to eat. I had some cereal we talk for a while. We talked about different topics such as next week and cleaning up my apartment. It’s  another overcast day. Supposed to be a little bit of rain but not hard rain. Can’t believe
 I got to go back to work already. What’s 3:02 PM we’re about to shut off to the  Manayunk  trail. 
The drizzle has stopped for now but it’s supposed to increase a chance of rain as the day goes on. On January 6 Congress supposed to 
 certify the electoral college win for Biden but 12 Republicans 
 are going to vote against it. Trump even tried calling the Georgia Secretary of State’s  Brad Russenberger to convince him to find him 11,000 more votes so he could win Georgia. What a clown! 

 e went to the trail and I forgot to set the timer so we ended up walking the entire 
length of the trail. We walked all the way from maniac to the Kingwood train
station. We did this in very miserable drizzly rain. It was a fine walk though. It was good to exercise! When we got home we have to change clothes
were pretty damp. I’m having myself a yogurt up in a little bit of Pepsi. When I eat and then go to my place to fix stuff and  neat and organize my place. I’m going to  find 

 out what I can throw out this taking up space. Things like extra shoes that I don’t ever ever wear. I  I have not organized my place for at least a month. It’s going to be some hell of an undertaking that’s for sure but 
there’s two of us on the job so that’ll help. Right now it’s 5:50 PM I’m looking at Herman playing with his toy mouse the cat loves his toy mouse just 
 bounces around all over the house. The big screen TV has birds on film so 

 ats can be entertained when alone.

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