Friday, May 12, 2023

Friday, May 12: A Very Sunny Day in the City

This morning I woke up after sleeping pretty well. I did sleep pretty well today last night.

 I don’t remember what my dream But, I slept pretty well. It was hard to get up. Anyhow, I got to Mike’s about 20 minutes late and at that point I decided to to get some 

stuff done with Mike. Before that we did a nice clean up a bit apartment including dishes and sweeping etc.  I then went out did some errands such as 

withdrawal on the bank Wells Fargo get some quarters to do laundry. I put in the laundry. Had a dude coming over to double check his status. He’s
in a slip and fall  Study and there’s a little Cameron his house so if he falls or something they have note of it. So he took some cognitive tests etc. While I was doing that I 

decided to take a walk outside and get a snack and a drink and then walk back. I listen

 to a bunch of tick-tock’s, and some YouTube videos about 🧭 travel Island swap the 

laundry, and put it in the dryer and continued with my lunch. The 

guy was finishing up and I cooked my lunch. He left, and then I successfully

 canceled my car rental for tomorrow. That was quite a relief and 

I tried to chat that didn’t work and then I called Hertz immediately and 

they were very quick to cancel my reservation. I found that 

I made the reservation technically for today instead of tomorrow. That’s the

 first time I did that kind of crap. I couldn’t believe I did that. What are the 

stories I first saw it on TikTok was at Russia. They are going to set up in a town 

right outside Moscow for conservatives to live in since they love Russia so much. I couldn’t believe

 it but I looked it up and it was right there on “business insider” which is a legitimate

 publication. Russia, conservative paradise!!🤪😜 I'll help 

pack their bags. Anyhow, I thought about not going to yoga and give myself a break, but I just walked 

in at 3:50 PM and I’m going to do it. I successfully canceled 

the car so natural dude. I just wanna relax tonight completely because it’s a very busy weekend. I decided to go walk around Cedar city after yoga class. It was a good class. I’m 
always glad I go even though today. I was really thinking of blowing it off just because so I can relax but it was good and then I decided to do it was so sunny

 outside and tomorrow’s gonna be shitty that I just enjoy Center City and you know that was what I did. I think got home ate dinner and then I just

 relax for a little bit. I did remember to put on the suntan lotion today so that’s good. I gotta put that on every day when it’s sunny like that. 

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