Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Tuesday, May 9: Sunny and Sunburned Day 💭

Oh I got up this morning and ran into Pat and ate breakfast. 
Next thing you know it is time to get the hell out. I listen to a podcast about Pennhurst that was made by some young people in October 2022. They have the series about it. I 
watched the Bill Baldini‘s special report aired in 1968 on channel 10. Wow is that a really depressing thing to watch. I think I watched it before but it’s still intense. Anyhow, I got the Mike’s 

and I did an errand at the bank for him. That Wells Fargo bank is in a time machine because you have about nine places where tellers would be in only one teller bills that entire 

bank and they have one woman in the back somewhere in the back. I’m surprised you’re actually keeping that branch
open because it’s the most empty place but 

it’s like a church. It’s so big and grand. Anyhow, I got back  and I saw 

TikTok video about this woman who wrote a book about grieving for her 

children after her husband died. Turns out she murdered her husband. This 

happened to year ago and they just arrested her this week. It is a bizarre story. 

I ended up talking on the phone and talked about how Covid dominated 

our lives for so long. Well, I looked up 3 years ago when Covid was in full

 swing. My blog posting of May 9, 2020 does reflect this even though 

the title doesn’t say anything about Covid. Anyhow, it’s 2:05 PM. My day is starting to wind down. I am very grateful that I got enough sleep

. But I still need to continue on that path. Anyhow, I just sat outside the room 

on the stairwell, which is a dull brown carpeted rug, but it’s peaceful.

There’s not much going on in this apartment complex today. It’s now 2:32 PM. I’m gonna go back in your room I’m guessing Mike’s 
gonna be ready to get up soon. Well we’re going out for a walk. And the big news is that Trump was found guilty of sexual defamation against E. Jean Carroll and awarded $5 million
 It’s a civil case he won’t go to jail for head or anything. But it’s good as he’s 
 being held to account for a change. Well, it turned out to be a really nice

 day in the later afternoon. Now it’s time to go to my weekly appointment

 after I take the trash out. Well I ran to somebody from class. Talk to Leslie. She was pretty hot so I got there

 and brought an extra Gatorade because like yesterday it’s going to 

be hot in a little extra thirsty. Sounds like 20 to class starts in 10 minutes. Well that

 room was a furnace. The floor almost felt like asphalt. Fortunately 

there was the fans whipped around and their air was allowed in so that was helpful but it was very hot. It was a good class because Chris Flack knows

 how to make a 90 minute class go fast. I then had to quickly charge my phone at the Starbucks just before it closed because I was talking to Wayne. I hadn’t talk to him in a while. I got back

 started making dinner and was looking at TikTok while waiting it for to cook up and I saw this TikTok posting of a fake ad  for a drug that changes women’s

 It was just so nuts. It mocks pharmaceutical advertisements really well and it’s well produced. I dare not put it on Facebook, because damn it would offend somebody.

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