Thursday, May 04, 2023

Thursday, May 4: Back to Work on a Cloudy Day

Hello, I’m back to work. First of all, I need to tell about a dream that I had that I was visiting some group of people who were sort of cultlike, and 

They really ate really well and had delicious food.  I had no privacy at all even going to the bathroom. I think it was because I thought of this person on Facebook who had the last name written 

twice who looked like she was in a Jewish cult whatever that means. Anyhow, I got to work late and did a few
 things around Mike’s house and we caught up. It was overcast and cool this morning 

so I had to wear  a layering of shirts. It’s not bad out it’s just when it’s

 83° in Florida. It’s a bit of a shock when it’s only 48° or 53° outside. I’m gonna do some errands for my light

 go to Rite Aid in Wells Fargo today. Well, I went to the Wells Fargo. I had trouble

 finding the one on Walnut Street because I walked right by it I guess. Kevin went to the Rite Aid and try to

get some stuff they didn’t have the plunger which I really 

wanted to get and I ended up just buying half of the stuff on the list. of course they didn’t have any bags and I forgot to bring it back so I used every pocket including

 the interior pocket. It’s now 11:27 AM and I’m ordering Mike’s sandwich. I’m not then going to eat some lunch. I didn’t have a 1 o’clock appointment so I have to get my butt

 in gear. OK so I ate lunch and got to my appointment my 1 o’clock appointment on time. Then I decided to go hunt for a plunger first I went to the CVS on 15th St. and then they 

told me to go to 19th and Chestnut so that’s what I did and they had one plunger left, one of these basic cheap plungers it’s basically over priced at 10 bucks but what are 
you going to 

do? I fucking broke the damn thing and the toilets needs some work anyway it’s still partly

 mostly cloudy but at least it’s not raining and I’m getting 

used to the damp cold May thing that we had once in 2003 when my brother got married  that’s 20 years ago she’s feeling old right 
now when I hear that. Anyhow, I enjoyed going to my yoga class. I did it all doubleheader and one. Anyhow, I enjoyed going to my yoga class. I did it all doubleheader and one. The downstairs studio was really really humid. I heard there

 was an electrical problem that studio that they’re supposed to fix tomorrow. The next class was upstairs, which was significantly more comfortable. That was the Vinyasa class. It was taught by Kaitlyn today as 

a substitute. I eventually wobbled home and made some dinner and talked on the phone for a bit. Tomorrow I have an errand. 

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