Sunday, October 23, 2022

Sunday, October 23: Visiting Mom w/ Mike Phillies In World Series!!

This morning I got up at around 830 or 9:30 AM I don’t remember. 

I think it was 930. I ended up getting up and I’d waddle around too long because I didn’t get to the airport with the car till after 11 o’clock. I’m supposed 
to meet my brother and SEPTA takes about an hour and a half to get from the airport to Media. So I got to the rental car place and then realized I had to call Uber to catch the media train at 

University City station. Otherwise I’d be an hour late I didn’t want to be an hour late specially, with young women who want to have plastic surgery in their 30s. Oops 

I digress it’s overcast and cloudy outside. fortunately the rain hasn’t 

really start to hit yet so I’ve been able to walk to the Marriott with the Uber pick me 

up and then walk from the media train station to iron Hill brewery. 

The family Stone on the last one to show up. They all had to be in on time or early 

in fact. So I’m gonna go to iron Hill brewery right now . Well I showed

 up practically on time. I ordered a turkey burger and that was very good and filling. Glad 

I finished before 3 o’clock because Yoga flat starts at four and it 

90 minutes. Mike and I got to talk a little sports about the Phillies and the Eagles. A tiny 

bit about politics. Him and Mary are going to Villanova 

with Anna to tour Villanova tomorrow. They’re staying over at Dave’s while he’s

 away visiting his daughter in New Hampshire. Lunch ended a little after 2 o’clock and I looked

 and I just missed the trolley and then I looked up to see if the train was showing up 

anytime soon and lo and behold it was. I took full advantage of that stuff and decided to take the train. I asked for a ride because I don’t think I could’ve made it within the 10 minutes. It was about to show up. Why decided to go to hot yoga Philly? That was the only one I could make due to the public transit schedule on Sunday. I thought about going to Mike to take a quick nap but that wasn’t enough time for that. The rain is mostly held off, but they are a little sprinkles which I can live with don’t get wet with sprinkles. It’s now 3:40 PM and I have to get ready to go to class. I did go to Wawa and get a juicy cause. I just wanted something to drink to chase down the food I eat. 

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Unknown said...

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