Saturday, October 22, 2022

Saturday, October 22: Yoga and Road Trip

Well, I attempted to make an 8 o’clock class but I really couldn’t. That

 was kind of ridiculous so I went back to sleep and decided I would go to the 11 o’clock class at Focus 

yoga. I then grabbed a half a bar ate that had some coffee and ran out 

the door for the 10:20 AM  Norristown high-speed line. Unfortunately for me the train just sat there. I reckon

 that they didn’t have a driver that’s what always happens with SEPTA these days

 so I didn’t leave till 10:38 AM next day showed up the class a couple

 of minutes late but a spot we say to me and I was logged in ahead of time

 which was very good. Class is only 60 minutes but I sweated 

my ass off. Went back to her more decided that rent a car and head out to Jim Thorpe or 

somewhere in a journal facility since this is the last good real good

 weekend for Ford edge it’s gonna come up. It is now 1:21 PM to leave around 130 to go to the airport at 1 Arrivals. Rd. to pick up the rental car. It’s a nice sunny day today. well, we’re gonna be about

 a half hour late for the rental car but it should be all right
We have 
to go to Well, went to one arrivals Road and it took a while to get back so it’s it’s almost 330 so we’ll be leaving around 330 I hope. Well, 
we got going and we decided just to take the turnpike because it was the shortest and most direct way to get there. I know it’s going tocost at least eight bucks each way, but it was the best way to get there and we didn’t have all the time in the world. The sunsets a little 

bit earlier and we’re still on daylight savings time so we had a little bit of time. We on the way therewe did see some decent fall foliage which was way cool. I didn’t

 get to take pictures of it but I got pictures once I got to Jim Thorpe. We got the Jim Thorpe and I recognize the big church in the middle

 of town. We walked around a little bit. We just miss missed the parade that they had downtown because you couldn’t park in the downtown street  supreme went on till about 3:00 PM and 

we arrived around 5:00 PM. We did the same pokey place we did last year called Tommy’s. It was exact same place as before. Within drove back and it got dark very very quickly. Traffic

 was a lot slower. The turnpike coming back that was when we 

came up probably because it was dark outside. Got home around 8:30 PM. It 

was very scenic. Glad we got to go up because it’s beautiful this time of year 

in the fall. Anyway, watch the movie with her about Elvis Presleyy and Colonel Tom Parker and

 how he took advantage of Elvis and committed him to doing Vegas and 

not traveling overseas. I found out that Colonel Tom Parker couldn’t 

go overseas because he had no ID any his name 
really wasn’t Colonel Tom Parker. He was never a colonel. He took 50% of the proceeds from Elvis. What a creepy dude!!! Anyhow, that 

was a 2 1/2 hour movie and then I took the rental car back home and talked to Alice for about an hour and she shared me some 

photographs of sign she’s making for it political event she’s running. This is one of the nicest days will have for the next 3 to 4 months. Travis Gladys to able to take advantage of it.

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