Monday, July 04, 2022

Monday, July 4: Independence Day for Whom!

 I ride the big arms of freedom on the freedom train of big arms flapping in the breeze I am cognizant. Anyway, got up with a really stiff lower 
back and just stayed up and that helped that out now the upper back is stiff but doesn’t hurt so it’s OK. I don’t feel that great mentally physically I’m fine. I don’t

 have Covid or any thing awful. So I’m gonna go meet a friend go to IHOP. Yes I live in a world where
 everyone has suggestions for me and sometimes I just don’t want to listen I don’t want to tell people to go screw themselves because 
that’s unnecessary but anyway it’s a nice day is July 4 my brothers at 

the shore David, and he’s having fun. And it’s now 1:15 PM I just took 

the train to Ardmore station and they’re still ripping it apart. Anyway 

it’s not that humid but it’s very sunny and it’s pretty warm outside. I’m listening

 to Billy Joel‘s “Nylon curtain“ album. The song is Laura. I got particularly 

attached to this album even though most people don’t talk about it that much. 

The big hit on this album is Allentown they played that all the time.  I 

decided to sit in front of the traffic craft wicker and rattan outlet. I don’t know what a rattan outlet is but they have nice furniture sitting out and it’s the most relaxed I’ve been in hours. 

It’s now 1:51 PM. It is time to go in from the sun and try to have some 

fun before I’m done. I went to the IHOP and did shell down on some pancakes.

 They were tasty and really full. And then went for a walk and the walk 

was nice but everybody was gone. The walk took a while because it it was a slow walk a very slow walk. 

Unfortunately put some 70 SPF on my head so wouldn’t burn. Baby burn

 baby 🔥. Anyway, I have a 645 MONDAY Night Beginners 

meeting I think I’m sharing it if somebody else doesn’t show up that’s what I believe 

the cases but I don’t know at this juncture. I’m really tired I wanna go home and crawl up in a ball. 

Well, I went to the meeting and I Teacher the meeting because the person was supposed

 to show up didn’t show. So I let the meeting and it wasn’t too

 bad out which is feeling better after eating to Bananaphone Cherry meeting. After 

I left the meeting I got a ride home unexpectedly. That was nice. And then just do a little snacking

 eating since I ate so much for lunch with those pancakes. I also took a walk and saw lots of dogs. Tons of dogs dogs everywhere. I got a buffalo tomorrow 

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