Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Wednesday July 13: Collingswood Dr Apt, Heat

After staying up last night I knew I could wasn’t gonna be able to make my 9 o’clock yoga class. I slept in and then realized I needed 

to make an appointment with my friend. She’s temporarily working at Massage place and I met her for lunch and had a poke bowl is 
which I never had before that was interesting. After I did that, I went  to my 
appointment at 3 o’clock. I will be on time but I missed one of the trains by about two minutes and I had to just take a train that would

get me there at 3:05 PM. Will the train show up right on time and it  did get me there to 255 South 17th Street #1909 p.m. I was fortunate packet dropped off so quickly. Anyhow, I went to my 
appointment and I was kind of tired afterwards. There are things that just we talk about them are exhausting because I have to deal with stuff

 that I don’t wanna deal with. I then decided to hit the CVS pharmacy and then visit Mike. We talked about various things and I had my Coke and kettle 

chips and we hung out till about 6:20 PM when I knew I had to get a move on to the meeting that I’m sharing. The meeting 

starts at 7 PM we’re still in July so the sun still out but you can feel the sun starting

 to set. It’s pretty bright out. I did I I don’t know what’s my name well 

I’m gonna go and get some coffee at the Capital One café and pay for it with my capital one card for half price off. Then I’m going to 
chill for a minute and then go to the meeting. I’m just kind of mellow today but I don’t know it’ll be good to go away again that’s all I can say. There’s more 

I can say. I’m chairing a meeting tonight and every Wednesday for the rest of this month of July. I got my iced coffee they close at seven like most coffee 
shops do. I left the meeting and some of the format is quite different than the normal format at most meetings. I got some help from some nice people get organized. there were a lot of first timers and 

anniversaries. Considering there were 16 people I would save between six were first timers or had anniversaries. That’s a high percentage.After the meeting we fellow shift and went to Jeni‘s ice

 cream which used to be snack foods we could get nutritious 
food but the pandemic killed that business. I got myself an ice cream

 it’s supposed to be all good stuff is pretty good. Afterwords went to Rittenhouse Square hung out a little bit. One of the women I talk to was telling me 

that she didn’t get the measles vaccine because it didn’t come out till 2003. Indicating 

she was born close to 2003 that’s really weird to me. Anyway, I caught l the

 21 bus and headed home.  I then had some frozen pasta from the freezer and then my 

Amazon order came in. My Amazon fresh orders come in 24 hours the regular Amazon for non-perishables takes anywhere from four days to 10 days for the stuff to come in. Got that and I talked on the phone  and stuff 

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