Monday, July 11, 2022

Monday, July 11: Last Full Day in Buffalo 🦬 Bennett Beach

This morning I initially got up early around 8 o’clock and Kerry dropped off Ken to work because that his car is it working quite right. I 
think it’s something to do with the brakes. Kerry came back and we shot the shit for a little while and then it was time to take a nap because 
I got up too damn early. Kerry was really nice and brought back some Tim Hortons coffee. She gave me a whole bunch of black coffee with me 2 cups of my version of coffee which has lots 

of soy in it. When Ken went shopping he got me a whole thing of soy milk so I have plenty of soy milk to go. We’re gonna go to Bennett Beach. It was playing out

 one of my Facebook posts had really weird stuff because I didn’t proofread it but I have corrected it and the world was continued to spin. Anyhow it’s now 304 we 

just got to Bennett Beach and on the way there we saw another side of Buffalo I have never seen before. There were waterfront properties all over the place 
we’re right along I guess it’s the Buffalo River and we saw places that really rich people are going to live in. It’s pretty scenic drive

 I must say. We stopped at this little subway combination  convenience  store and get ourselves a Subway sandwich I got a 6 inch and she got a full hoagie. I also got 

some  Dorito, Pepsi and I actually found a supercoffee in the convenience 

 store it was the last one and it was a vanilla so I just took it like a thief 

in the night. No actually I did pay for everything
. Once I got the Bennett Beach I just changed into my bathing suit which I fortunately bought and there’s a nice bathroom 

etc. that’s nearby so that made it convenient. It’s now about 5:00 PM. We just went to the water for at least I have ever straight. It wouldn’t too bad once I got all 

the way in the water. It’s now 6:30 PM and we’re gonna be leaving the beach now 
because the bathroom are closing at  7 PM 

 and the beach for swimming officially closes now. I went to an empty property right on the waterfront that’s for sale I did a video tape on it for speculators and 

interested people alike. It’s right on the waterfront. I’m guessing a person 

with Tara down at filter and fabulous mansion here so I’m sure the 

landings office probably really expensive much less rent a meeting or rebuilding it up again. Beautiful weather today. Well 
we made inside in time for me to change and continue the life cycle. 

I’m gonna head back to her place and grab tacos which will help us to lifecycle process. I was 

changing and I had to listen to some gross things. Anyway I’m

 glad I made it out I’m going to get a ride back which is  outside of Buffalo. Wait

 a nice trip home singing songs and stuff. Anyhow we got back 

and Kerry made tacos for dinner. Those tacos were really good and basically put on 

what condiments you want it inside the crunchy taco shell. I talked

 on the phone for the daily phone call and then hung out and chilled out. Ended up Kerry 

and I talked for a long time deep into the night. We both seem 

to get a second wind around 12 midnight and just talked about different things and other stuff. There’s been a big alarm about 

omicron variant 5.0 & omicron variant 2.75 that are extremely transmissible. It seems
to me eventually everyone will get it eventually. Somebody even said in May that everyone will get Covid once a year so Jesus Christmas
I don’t know what to say about that. I failed to mention I got a couple of good pictures of downtown Buffalo and I got a nice sunset on lake Erie. Of course the cats were just absolutely adorable there’s two little Penzur littermates and they’re really cute!!☺️

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