Sunday, July 10, 2022

Sunday, July 10: Jamestown & Comedy Center

I got up at my customary 9:30 AM and had my customary cereal and coffee. I came into the room and there was Ken getting read 

 to go to work in two hours late. They were watching a show about a woman who hangs out with drug 

dealers pimps and counterfeiters and it’s all about her. Somehow she gets access to these people with a camera crew in tow. Any help makes for half 

decent TV. We were yukking it up about current events and TickTock etc. Kerry shared me the YouTube video 

when Trevor Noah first had a taco and that’s pretty funny trying to get 

motivated and take a shower and we’re gonna go to a comedy museum it’s now 12:38 PM. I 

eventually did get motivated and took a shower I also had to shave because my face was looking pretty gnarly.  It felt good to clean myself and shave. I was home

 till lunch and then after that we headed out to Jamestown New York. That’s where the comedy Museum is. Your drive was very smooth and we got there around 3:30 PM 

we had about an hour and a half because the place closes at five on Sundays. It was very interactive and they had videos of the comedians and 

information about everybody from Lenny Bruce to Jack Parr. Do even head 

out a blue a “blue room.“ That room at all the comedians pushing the 

envelope on taste and cursing. Also there was sexual innuendos  and that sort of thing. Lenny Bruce was feature a lot for pushing the envelope and getting 

arrested for indecency charges by the vice squad.  It was  very compelling.  I 

did buy myself a hat instead of a T-shirt there. We left and went to Lebo‘s 

where Ken works. It’s not a bad little restaurant the place looks like it had a bunch

 of additions put on over the years. I had a pasta dish and some chicken 

chili appetizer which was very good. At the end I heard some people at the bar 

grousing about transgendered people. Yep, nothing like

 brainwashing going on and listening to it in the flesh.  We got home and it was about 9 o’clock by the time we got back.

 We chilled out and I talked on the phone at 10:20 PM. It was a fun day with a nice sunny leisurely drive out in forest of western New York. 

It was a picture perfect sunny day outside. That was really good to have 
with us. About the comedy center. It was originally thought up because Lucille Ball 

was born near Jamestown New York. And they expanded it. It was cooler was open on Sunday and it wasn’t closed. Jamestown is really really sleepy. Has buildings

 like a little town does it’s not even the county seat.  One thing I forgot to mention is that we went to the Seneca Iroquois reservation. The reservation

 has gas at 4:55 a gallon which is about $.30 a gallon cheaper. The reason it’s

 cheaper is it state fuel taxes aren’t charged but the federal taxes are. All in all a nice trip and a nice day.

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