Friday, July 08, 2022

Friday, July 8: Weekend Start in Buffalo 🦬 Cookout

Today I got up early and 8:00 AM. Ken was still getting ready for work and decided to stay up. You hung out and shot this shit for a while and then one 

of her friends Michelle came over with her daughter till they take a 

look at the cat her daughter wants to be a vet at this point of her life she’s 16 years old right now. They’re both very nice people. The former 

Prime Minister of Japan got assassinated today. It was the big news story on the

 stupid morning news programs that make me gag. CBS news 

head every color on the spectrum it was very bogus and disturbing. I mean they giggle 

amongst themselves it’s so stupid but people like news 
delivered stupidly. Ken may call it  fake news I just can’t like fake people( who$$ get paid handsomely) reading the new. It’s now 12:45 PM. I’m going to eat a little 
snack and then go out

 and go to the farmstand they went to two days ago and Wegmans. I’ll probably want to pick up some more stuff there. We did go to both places the fruit stand and Wegmans. We didn’t get nearly as much stuff we got a 

few things. We then back went back to her place and put the food away and I started checking corn. I was then asked to pick up a friend of her from the agency called endeavor. It 
is now 5:10 PM. I picked up her friend and finish shucking the corn. Kerry has quite a set up for having cookouts she has a grill a lightweight picnic table andfire pit fueled
 by propane. Honestly I didn’t know they had them. She also has some chairs to sit in. She has quite a set up that’s for sure. Hopefully
folks will show up. She worked really hard in preparing the food and we’re gonna start lighting up the grill soon. Dinner was very good we had corn the cob salad bobs which 

are extra tasty and watermelon. After dinner we came inside of mellowed out. Kerry then made some coffee for us that was very nice I’m gonna sit out and have some 
shortcake for dessert. It’s now 9:13 PM. We sat out in a new fire pit that 

Kerry brought when she moved to this new apartment. It’s run by propane and 

it has some funky rocks that stay warm. We all hung out for a little 

bit it’s pretty nice cool little breeze out here in Buffalo New York. Well we had our dessert with poison watermelon 
and strawberry shortcake and then we sat by the fire pit. It was pretty chill. I think everyone would agree that it was a nice time. I then 

talked on the phone and eventually said good night.

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