Sunday, March 02, 2025

Sunday, March 2: Visiting Mom with Dave, Wes

Today I woke up at the good old Dorchester had a very good night sleep got up around 8:30 but didn’t get out of bed till like 9:30 AM. Anyway, had 

breakfast which included cereal and a banana. Mary had to go off to meet her friend and I went later. I then called Uber and got home and picked up my Amazon stuff. It all arrived at the 

right place! My super Coffee came in and actually was in the right containers 12 ounce bottles instead of 32 ounce. So that was the first successful delivery in two months Hard to believe isn’t it I know! I was going to 

take the bus but I called Wes and he said the last moment that he would be 
able to come over and pick me up. We originally set for 11:30 AM but later

 on switch to 12:30 PM so we can meet Dave at the Riddle Village. We got to 

the Riddle Village and ended up meeting up with Dave. We met Kate. She was 

in good spirits and we actually walked her around a little bit and went to a nice place to rest. She used to 

walk very well and with some really good spirits and started talking to other people. After we saw mom, we 

went to iron Hill brewery and media and I had some chicken wings and we had a nice time and the weather is 

very nice as long as you’re not standing outside in the cold. Anyhow, West drove me back to my place in 

Millbourne. We hung out for a while in my place and talked about our visit to see Martha Moore for her 90th

 birthday. Wes is not really enthused to go, but we’re going to go anyway. 

We’re going to rent a car since Wes’s car doesn’t seem to be long trip ready. I bought a bunch of icy drinks 

from Wes and in the same time I started to get a bag ready to bring to Mike’s for tomorrow. 

After Wes left, I decided to go to the Quaker cemetery in Upper Darby. Just 

to take a quick walk in the weather. It wasn’t too bad. I didn’t stay there too long because it was

 a bit cold out. Anyhow, I got back to my place cooked
 up some pasta and threw too much spice so I had to throw out the pasta cause it was too spicy to eat then I re-cooked it watch some YouTube videos talked on the phone. After that, I watched some YouTube videos and got ready to go to bed. Busy week next week. 

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