Saturday, March 01, 2025

Saturday March 1: Alice‘s Ceremony. Yoga, Cold

This morning I got up around 11:00 AM. Mary made a wonderful breakfast of bacon and eggs. I chowed down on that readily and then I set out to deliver

 a chair to Mike’s that Mary had found in the delivery area of the Dorchester. Mary 

had this portable dolly that made the effort a lot easier. I didn’t have

 to carry it and then rest and carry it and rest. I could just roll around. The 
wind made it a little more difficult 

but not terribly. There were gust of wind about 30 miles an hour where it felt like it was blowing me away. well, when I arrived to Mike, Mike was glad to see me and unfortunately

 I couldn’t just hang out for a couple minutes cause I needed to get back and watch Alice‘s conversion ceremony to 
Judaism. ✡️ She formally converted on Wednesday, but the actual 

celebration was today. It was on Zoom so I was able to get the zoom after failing the password at least 3️⃣ times. I kept doing it wrong and I finally got it. Thank God cause I got some really nice 

screenshots. I would’ve been very disappointed if I couldn’t have gone Alice‘s rabbi 
noticed that I was there and said I could ask ask any questions 

and I asked a few and she was very nice so Alice knew I was there or at least there
in video version of me. I haven’t used Zoom in a long time so it was nice. I got back to Mary’s. I wasn’t Mary’s the whole time I 

was watching it. Anyhow, Mary got back from her Reiki class and she told me the temperature has been Plummeting so I had to be aware of 

that. We relax a little bit and then we headed on down to Miah‘s 4 o’clock 90 minute Bikram class. Well 

that class was mighty fine that’s for sure. Only problem is some woman just came in late plopped

 herself right in front of me so I had trouble seeing the mirror, but I made it through

 anyway. Anyhow, at the end of class, everybody stayed at closing Shiva in longer than the 2️⃣ minute

 minimum. And that was unbelievable. I never seen it where everybody stayed longer than the minimum

 two minutes. In fact, I think everyone stayed at least five minutes. I’ve

 never seen that in any classactually I don’t look. I just hear people leaving. Anyhow we talk to Mia afterwards and then we headed back to Mary’s where she’s gonna cook up some burgers for me.

 We got a smoothie at marathon and that was delicious. I was really thirsty. It’s now 8 o’clock. I’m getting more drinks not tea, but just regular Drinks. 
Anyhow, we watched the French connection with Gene Hackman. You can tell it’s a little dated business in old New York City when it was kind of gross all over the place. He was full of chasing nothing was spoonfed so it was a little hard to figure things out, but it was pretty good.

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