Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Wednesday, October 2: Work, Yoga and Yin

I woke up today tired but not nearly as groggy and tired as yesterday. Overall, I slept well, but just still a little bit of that low energy from yesterday

is lingering. It’s not quite as sudden it’s sort of just there. It’s now 1228 and I’m just starting to write in this blog right now. I caught the bus into Mike’s and the 

physical therapist came over at around 10:00 AM. We took a nice walk and then it was time for me to leave because he was seeing  David. So I left and did my 

paces and then went back to Mike’s and he gave me a list of things he needed so that’s what I’m doing now is going to his bank

 withdrawing 40 bucks and then going to CVS to pick up my scriptsand get him some food from his card. The weather right now is perfect temperature wise little  bits of blue sky, 

but mostly cloudy. It’s really not bad at all. Anyhow, I got back to Mike’s didn’t get him a cheesesteak that 

I’ll have to be another day and waited for his nurse to show up she showed up about half hour later as usual and then I headed out to my 2 o’clock appointment which is coming up. that appointment was really interesting

 for sure. When we talked about ivory soap in my mouth and things like that. Anyway, heading back to Mike’s. It’ll be 3 o’clock or a little bit after by the time I get to his

 place so I’ll start getting ready to go to Yoga after taking a day off which I rarely do. There’s still a little bit of a low energy Jeb Bush, but not like yesterday. I don’t 
feel all washed out with the cold. It’s still lingering around as usual. I love it how these Republicans have to pronounce Kamala Harris‘s name wrong just to be 

disrespectful and idiotic, and racist!! Jesus Christmas🙄 I thought I had a 4 o’clock 

class but it’s really 530 cause I was going to yin and I went to both classes

. It got hot in the room, but I also think I got a little bit of low-grade fever started up again. I enjoyed dance class 

and then afterwards quickly changed over and took a quick shower before and 

mine was  pretty chill. I like how Linda teaches a class. The nose caused me a 

problem in one of the positions but then it cleared up. I took another quick shower and it’s not 8:22 PM waiting for Mary & charging up this phone. It’s now 10% power. Anyhow, we chitchatted with Miah for a minute and then we headed out. Ordered Indian and picked it up and we watched PBS mystery that takes place in Amsterdam. Pretty cool little show I must say. It was a strange episode though.

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