Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday, October 11: πŸ†’ Day w/Yoga and Dinner

Hi it’s Friday and I woke up after sleeping in till 7:30 AM. I was pretty tired. I kind of got up a couple times. I then went down to catch the trainaround 8:16 AM and 

the train didn’t show up till about 8:27 AM. SEPTA sometimes has trouble between the hours of 810 and 830 with their trains. They skipped one train completely and the other 

one was 4️⃣ minutes late.⏰ I took a short walk when I took a nap down south Braun and decided to turn around. It’s been kind 

of a dull kind of day. I feeling a little dull. I drank two super coffees and I’m working on a Pepsi and I’m still kind of tired I 

got tons of caffeine in me, but ain’t doing nothing man. I really can’t buy Amazon fresh until Saturday because I’m not gonna be home to pick up my 

stuff till I Sunday morning, so that’s when I have to have the stuff delivered. Anyhow, it’s 1:18 PM and it’s 
finally warmed up a little bit and we’re going for our 

constitutional. I went to the South Street pharmacy and got Mike his meds. 

It was a nice walk that part of South Street is definitely funky with 

different stores haircut places, massage, places and tattoo shops. It’s very commercial 
there. It’s not that residential at all. Anyhow, Mike got his appointment

 made for DM medical for next Wednesday morning at 9:30. That’s the same place
I went to for my study. I think I might ask if they have any studies 

while I’m there. The Phillies loss this postseason was definitely depressing. There a sense of dread that
permeated like a fog. The hitting was 

incredibly inconsistent and became painful and pathetic. This article came from Joe blogs, which is a sports
blog that makes you pay for a lot of their articles. I generally don’t 
look at it, but that’s something about the Phillies, which I thought 

was interesting. Well, it’s now 3:34 PM heading over to the studio for the 4 o’clock

 hot yoga class back to my regular schedule Class schedule. On 

the way to class I noticed that the 4 o’clock class wasn’t listed. I thought 

for a moment maybe it was cause they were renovating the third floor. 

I don’t know. Turned out. It was a software glitch in the 4 o’clock class with Marie was held as normal. 

Wasn’t too crowded and it wasn’t terribly hot and it was a good efficient class. 

My balance was off, but some of my other posters were improved.Mary 

and I then went back to her place and relax for a little bit and then we 

ordered dinner and I’m picking it up at 7:23 PM. I think we’re gonna 

watch the PBS mystery program that’s held in Amsterdam.  I think I’d like it a little bit better than the endeavor series alternative place and it’s also held 
in modern day Amsterdam while endeavor takes place in the mid 60s. well, we end up watching the show about Amsterdam the first episode of the first season. It was a good one. It really was. We ordered some Indian and that tasted really good. We both were retired so we relaxed after the show and we enjoyed it.
Friday, October 11: Cold πŸ₯Ά AM! 

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