Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saturday, October 12: Quiet Morning and Yoga

Well, today was sleep day and that was really good. Slept in till 11:15 AM. Haven’t slept in in a while. It felt good to be sleeping in. I had 

breakfast with Mayor and we enjoyed our breakfast and talked. We then went to the laundry room and clean some of the laundry we had from yesterday‘s yoga class. 

It’s now 2:16 PM. The day is just really flashing right by. It’s very sunny and nice. It’s 70° out feels a lot cooler than that in her condo. We’re 

planning to go to Yoga at 4 o’clock. It’s a 90 minute class with Mia. whatever relax to finish the laundry and Mary got some organization completed. well, 

we went to class with Miah and it was a really good class nice attendance and it wasn’t boiling hot and I got some personalized instruction not to bend my back during the

 warm-ups. That wasn’t good very good afterwards. Bought another large water hung after a bit and wobbled back to the Dorchester where we ordered food and just relaxed Mary and I agree we have 

not adjusted that great to the change of seasons this year. 7:06 PM I’m picking up our dinner. Our delicious Indian dinner. Yum 

Yum. I got four icy iced teas a bag of chips and a Pepsi plus dinner so we’re stocked up very well for a Saturday night baby SATURDAY man. We ended up watching two Law 

and order episodes which was pretty cool actually they’re both 

very intense and then we crashed around 11:00 PM. I think we both really
 needed the rest. Mary said she did and I know I did for sure. Weather has been very nice. I think they’re gonna say we’re in a drought because we have

 not had any rain in two weeks I would say. But we generally have nice falls until about Halloween and then it starts getting cold and damp.

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