Saturday, October 05, 2024

Saturday, October 5: Ambler, Yoga, Phillies Lose.

Today I awoke after a decent amount of sleep? I woke up at the Dorchester and had a little bit of cereal and Mary and I got ready to go to 
suburban station by 9:44 AM to catch the train at the ambler once we would get the ambler we would then take Uber to Esq. Drive where the Birthday party for Cameron who’s turning one, but the child had foot 

and mouth disease, which is really contagious so we just not gonna see the kid. Anyway, we got to ambler and they had a street fair
going on which seemed really fun. It’s a perfect

 day outside for a street fair for sure so we rolled around. Saw Democrat Democratic booth and a Trump booth. There’s one picture of the head up with Trump and RFK Junior with baseball bats. 

Oh my God, I had to cover my ass from barfing or saying some 

comment. I stayed civil we waited 14 minutes for the Uber to show up and 

we got here and bunch of kids here, etc. etc. and there’s tons of food. I 

just don’t eat too much before my 4 o’clock class. I know what that feels like. We had a good time to party 

had a little bit to eat and then next thing you know it it was 1:15 PM 

and I was trying to contact Uber while Uber came in about 1011 minutes. We 

got to the ambler station and the train was running anywhere from 6 to 10

 minutes late because they’re able to run late. That’s what they do sometimes.

 Beautiful day out here in ambler Pennsylvania. Got some nice pictures of the street fair going on. Got to 
see a lot of kids which I don’t 

get to do. Anyhow, we called an Uber to get us to the Amber train station so we could take the train down to suburban Station. We got the suburban station. We got the

 Fabio’s and I picked out a shirt and a pair of gym shorts to wear to class today because I didn’t have any clean clothes to wear for class once you got to the

 4 o’clock class We’re all set. Mia taught the class. It was pretty packed and it was a good class. I felt fairly good in today’s

 class. After class, I was pretty damn hot because it was a pretty warm room. I talked to Mills after the words and we talked about the Thursday night CODA meeting,
 which was interesting. Then I went downstairs 

got dressed and Tina came back from a vacation and gave us some ideas of maybe a little road trip while we’re staying in California starting November 25. She went to death Valley Zion, and I 

forget the other one. After that, we came back and proceeded to watch the Phillies give a five runs in the top 
of the eighth to the New York Mets. They’re

 losing five to one in the top of the ninth inning it’s now 7:06 PM. I’m getting some
iced tea. I’m gonna have veggie burgers. Well, the Phillies lost 6 to 2. It was a really frustrating loss 
considering Wheeler pitched seven shut out innings at seven strikeouts and blew the Mets away. Then the Mets scored five runs in the eighth inning. It was really depressing doesn’t look good. The hitters aren’t hitting

 just like last year in the playoffs. Marie made some delicious veggie burgers and we had dinner and that was very delightful. Next thing we did was we decided to watch some law and order episode to watch two of them and during that time I got really cold and then once I got warmed up. I got really exhaustedaround 10:45 PM. I had to go to sleep right away. I was so exhausted. I hit a wall so to speak. 

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