Thursday, October 31, 2024

Thursday, October 31: 80° Halloween 🤔

This morning I woke up at the Dorchester and headed on to Mike’s. I got there OK I then knew that I had to get Mike’s voter thing straightened

out so I had Mike sign the form double check it and then I went to City Hall and there was no line at all. 

It was really easy so the guy
first told me that they didn’t receive it. Then he looked again and any he realized they

did receive it so everything was cool. He printed out the new form and then I went back to Mike’s. He signed it then I went back to City Hall via the bus and that made things a lot quicker and then 

I had to put my authorization form around the ballot and dropped it off. I then decided I would go home and get rid of my dirty yoga clothes and pick up my yoga mat.

 I ran into Pat and decided I’d have some pasta leftovers for lunch while I 

was home so I chilled out at home ate lunch and then returned back 

to Mike’s. The next expedition was to fill out Mike’s 

renewal form for his medical assistance and drop that off. So we filled 

out the form. I got the receipt and waiting in line. Found 

that I didn’t have to wait in line. Unfortunately called the Broad Street line right away. 

When I got back, Mike was talking to Limbo and his Mom’s Meals

 came along with some other things and next thing you know it it was 3:33 PM I 

was trying to get my butt over to the yoga class. It is really warm

 today. Signing up for the 4 PM class. Well, I went to the 4 o’clock class today

. Ran into Marriott. I was coming into class. The room wasn’t nearly

 as hot and stifling as it was yesterday, which was nice. Rob wore a 

Freddy Krueger claw on his hand for a Halloween costume, 

which is pretty funny. Today I brought my madden because the Mac cleanup was 
completed. After glass, Mary and I hung out at her place for a little 

while and I had to catch the seven bus while that bus decided not to shop so I 

kept walking up 22nd St. it finally showed up when I was at 22nd 

near arch Street which is better late than never. I went to my meeting and there was 
a business meeting in that dragged on to 

almost 10:30 PM all kinds of stuff came up. I don’t want to 

get into but need to say I had to do the secretary part at the very end 

because the woman had to meet with somebody. Then I caught the 48 bus which had 

on its monitorroots of the route 7️⃣ bus and 
it said “Phillies World Series champs” I got a picture of that that was pretty funny then Nick got detoured because market Street was closed fortunate I 

got off and there’s a 21 trailing right behind and I caught that so I got home in a decent hour. 
Tomorrow Mike has an appointment and I have to pick up my artwork and then go down to the sketch club and submit my work. This is the day I have to do it because tomorrow I’m in choir practice from one to 4 PM. Well, I’m gonna leave early so I can go to the yoga class, of course

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Wednesday, October 30: Walking All Over

OK! I got up this morning. Took my time and ate some cereal lat the Dorchester. It was quite delightful. I must say I got the Mike’s around 8:46 AM. It 

was going to be a slower morning until this afternoon or I had to take care of some business with the finance person 

And taking photos to taking a photo to the sketch club for the exhibit. Anyhow, I first went to CVS for Mike and got him a couple things and and a script that 
wasn’t too bad. I am way overdressed for the day. I have a Hot Yoga sweatshirt and it started getting warm already around 11:30/noon. Anyhow, the real fun began when I discovered 

when that I had to get my yoga stuff cleaned and dried at Mike’s after I left the finance people that went real well they were very nice and we chitchatted half the time. I like them they seem upfront

 and they are a fiduciary so that was excellent to hear. I went to the 

frame place and they told me that they thought I wasn’t coming by 

till 3:00 PM and I arrive there around 2:20 PM. So I made time and 

went back to Mike’s. Anyhow, I went back to Mike’s soaked my Sweaty clothes and 

then threw them in the dryer and walked to the photo framing place. SEPTA was no help. The 12 

bus didn’t show up so I just kept walking and walking. I eventually caught 

the 21 bus which took me about four blocks which was quick and 

I met somebody I knew from Yoga and that was nice. Early I also met somebody from our yoga class who I knew years ago in politics. Anyway, I get back to the 

Photoshop. well, well, well… I go in there and I’m told that they lost my photo 

so I have to re-order the photo but Kylie agreed that she would

 pick up and pay for the redo of the photo and get it framed by tomorrow. Because 

it’s one to five tomorrow I have to get in tomorrow cause this 

Saturdays my choir practice from one to four. Well I’m going to 

leave about 15 minutes early from the practice. I can’t. I was too stunned

 to be angry. I had just walked most of the way there. Well it’s now 2:59 PM and I am at Pine and 17th or 18th 
and walking back to Mike’s. I bought some iced tea and I’m gonna drink it on the way. I’m gonna also listen to the birds too while I zone out 

and drink and walk. I did a shit load of walk. I definitely made my goal blah blah blah. Anyhow, I got back to Mike’s. My clothes were dry by and by. And then went 

to dance 4 o’clock class. I was coming in there a little bit tired so I bought some iced tea and got a banana, but it didn’t prepare me on how hot that room was it was 

very humid. It felt like summer. I got dizzy, but I made it through. After that, hung out at the studio for a while got some water and went to Mary’s and worked

 in my blog and decided that’s too much so I blocked out and then Mary 
got home around 7:15 PM and we finished the 
movie all the presidents menWoodward and Bernstein. I love Jimmy Kimmel‘s name for Trump Martin Luther Burger King. Anyway, Republicans are all upset because Biden called Trump supporters garbage when they’ve been throwing insults.