Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Wednesday January 11: Sunny Day 4 Yoga. Ardmore

Hi. I again woke up around. I guess it was 4:30 in the morning and then I went back 

to sleep. My ear is still clogged. I woke up feeling a bit achy but not bad. I had breakfast back my yoga stuff and remembered my water this time. Got my coffee minutes late and AMAZON 

came by around 9:45 AM. I finished up yesterday’s blog posting. It’s Wednesday

 so I’m going out to the main line again this week. It’s a weekly thing for me. I have 4 o’clock

 yoga class I plan to go to just got a thing from Penn to answer questions whether I have Covid I have a “green

 pass to go to my doctors office. It’s a prettysunny day out. It’s 

chilly but it’s normal cold. It’s also not too windy outside for Singer songwriters
 they are the best people in the world. Racha, WXPN, David Dye want you to think. but I think for myself, I’m a freethinking patriot

who does his own research ha ha ha ha ha!! the big news today is that there was an FAA computer outage overnight which ground at all flights till 9 AM today. They said it was 

no evidence of a cyber attack. That’s interesting… I was asking

 questions and then Mike and I went for a walk. It’s now 11:50 AM we walked

 around Pierce College people walking themselves are babies 

and other things. It’s colder
than yesterday for sure. I’m next gonna make myself some.

lunch. NY Republicans demand 'joke' George Santos RESIGN for lying.
They really seem to mean it! The DC Republicans are being silent on this. Of course they They don’t want to get rid of them because

 they’re afraid that the Democrats will get that seat then. So I’m sure they’re going to delay delay delay until the pressure is way too much. Anyhow, I did have my lunch and 

took down the trash and talked to Mike a little bit about things. I’m planning to go to the 4 o’clock yoga class and then head out to Ardmore from there. Fortunately, the train schedule is 

favorable for me to get plenty of recuperation time after the class. It’s now 3:26 PM and 

I am at 15th and Locust gonna have a little juicy before I go in the class and sign up.. what about the 

class and boy is that room humid as hell. There’s a lot of people 

in there it was humid like a mother. Anyhow, after I made it through the head, first had 

the knee I was better, but it was at the beginning. I didn’t feel so 

great. I’ve been stayed at the studio for a while to cool off because I kept 

sweating like crazy. I didn’t get to the train on time which was a good thing. 

I was on the quiet car and that was fine cause I was just looking at stuff

 on my phone and that was good. I arrived a little bit since train

 I guess was running slow or some kind of shit I don’t know. Lynne found out

 she had two broken ribs the whole time. She had a checked out by a doctor! Got that’s got to 

be really painful. It’s now 7:16 PM. I don’t think we’re all going to take a 

walk now. Put some hydrogen peroxide and lead help withremoving some of the wax from here. I feel 
a little bit of progress but it’s still pretty clogged up. It’s now 8:01 PM. An alarm at Washington already got a client from her website.😊 anyhow, we 

watched doc marten, and the next thing you know it is almost 10 o’clock time for me to catch the train. I caught it successfully then I watch some late night comedy and I went to sleep.

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