Friday, January 06, 2023

Friday, January 6: McCarthy Elected on 15th Ballot. Double Yoga

I got up had some breakfast. Couldn’t have a banana because the two sets of bananas where is green is the springtime lawn. I missed the 730 train which 

showed up at 7:31 AM so I waited for the other one. I got the Mike’s about 3 minutes late. I settled in and we talked a bit and I put 

my food that I brought with me back. I then went to my 10 o’clock dentist appointment to put in my tooth and well service being tight. It was so loose when I drink, water just came out. so 

they’re sending it back and then I’m gonna come back on the 20th to get that fitted and get a filling put in. So the week before I go to Florida I got stuff coming

 down the pike. Larry tells me he might have early stage emphysema, so he’s going to quit smoking cigars! That’s heavy news

 man.  After that dentist appointment, I went to deposit the $300 check. Mike had that he got from his sister. That was very very nice of her. There’s a lot of 

commentary and opinion about the whole House of Representatives

 kind of Kevin McCarthy debacle It’s now 1126. I’m just getting back to Mikes and I’m going to eat lunch. Well 

on the 12th vote McCarthy picked up 13 new votes. He was up to 213 with 7 opposing. He needs to get that number down to three or four. She only has to peel off 
a couple more people. After this, if forgets and Bobert hold on too long to be ostracized from the party then again, they don’t have any scruples, the shit the real shit show will begin after today, when the Republicans hand down these new rules and start 

investigating Hunter Biden‘s laptop with pictures of him naked. Well, I went to Hot Yoga Philadelphia and decided to take two classes back to back. I was feeling

 pretty strong and I was feeling a little agitated so I decided to do it. And I was pretty hot and sweaty afterwards and stayed at the studio for a while, and just 

hung out and watch everybody else talk. And then came home and made some dinner and talked on the phone with

 a couple of people and decided to watch the rest of the speaker vote for Kevin McCarthy. This  
ended up on his 15th vote he got in because both Barth and Matt Geatz voted present 
which lowered the threshold. Hi Kim Jeffries made a really good speech and  McCarthy gave standard Republican boiler plate. It ended after

midnight. I didn’t watch the whole vote I knew he was in after that. It was a dog and pony shit show. So we’re gonna have a lot of nonsense

 coming out of the house of representatives for the next two years. Threats to not help Ukrainian start seven default.

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