Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sunday, October 31: Halloween in Ardmore & Birthday Dinner

I was really tired and I decided I was just sleeping. Despite pleas
from the cat I just kept sleeping in till about 10:30 AM. I really needed that sleep 9 o’clock 
would’ve been way too soon. I know I have a big day ahead so I will I want to be extra rested up for that. I just thought it in my infinite wisdom then I would start figuring out what I’m gonna take

 to California when I fly out tomorrow night. I fly out tomorrow night from the airport around 6 PM. That means  I should be at the airport at the latest by 4:30 PM.
More like 4:00 PM. Anyhow I 

got my laundry and try to organize my stuff and look for a sport jacket to bring to dinner. I’m eating Indian dinner tonight. 

Well of course  I tried to jam everything in 21 minutes.  

I just barely made the bus. I looked at the schedule and if I missed this bus I probably wouldn’t get to Lynne‘s house till least 245. No matter what route to take even a 
Norristown high-speed line plus Uber. Anyhow I got to the bus on time and  had a service strip 

to cool off because I was starting to sweat and I didn’t want to be all sweaty. I figure between the time

 I get off the bus and the time I walk into Lynne so I can get dressed and look like a

 decent human being. I’m on the bus now it’s 1:43 PM we just  Lankanau all hospital. What are you 

getting off the bus I was still pretty thirsty from making a run for it on the bus. The sun 

was out and now big clouds and wind are coming. It’s 2:05 PM I’m heading 

in towards the Ardmore House. What are the latest news flash that popped up on 

my phone as a Jon Bon Jovi has COVID-19 and Hass to cancel his concert in Miami. 
You heard it here first at 2:08 PM. I’m about to enter the house of glory. I did a couple things like take out the trash and put something
 in the car it’s now 2:20 PM. Why settle down with my juicy and super coffee

. Lynne was getting ready and I did it a couple of updates on 

this block posting. I temporarily made this a published one. I’ll probably keep it “published“ till the end of the day. We’re going 2

 do a walk and then while we’re walking she’s going to go over why she wants me to be careful

 about my health so I can live to at least 87 when she’s 99 years old. it is now

 2:59 PM. Do you actually being Detroit 17 to 0. We have a 2-5 record in Detroit is 0-7. It’s starting in the third-quarter. It is now going on 4:00 PM. We are now going to take a walk. Hopefully it won’t 

rain till five or 6 PM as the weather app says. We watched a woman who is an expert on sitting correctly 

for about 20 minutes. We took a walk but we cut the time and a half because it was starting to rain often on during the walk. I 

think I got a back massage Villa being stepped on and then I had this Thera gun back 

massager put on which felt really nice. And then gave me a haircut she 

accidentally put a little neck on my bald head but it’s OK. It’s now 511 we’re going to get ready to go to dinner the nice Indian restaurant 
The restaurant was called Palace of India. The food was spectacular. We had this entrée with all kinds of meats and spices on it and then we had a dinner man 
I think I gained about 5 pounds it was spicy but not fire hot. Lynne took me out for my first day 

here. She’s been here before with her friend Ami. I could not eat another drop. It is now 7:30 PM. Well it’s 9:10 PM we just got home from the
restaurant. I am 

really stuffed. I’m gonna let the ginger beer cool off and have some of that and have yogurt later to help with digestion. It’s just time to relax right now. 

Lynne took some really nice pictures that I’ll be putting on here. We are going to watch the movie Bonnie & Clyde. It’s with Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty. 

It was filmed in 1967. Supposed to be a good flick. I have never seen it before. It’s now 10:15 pm. Lynne’s making hot cereal for 

tomorrow’s breakfast. Next we watch the
 movie. It’s been a pretty entertaining day and because I got enough sleep I was able to do things with energy and patience. I’m now eating an apple and it is now 10:34 PM we should be watching the movie in the next five minutes or so

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