Monday, November 01, 2021

Monday November 1: Little Sleep & Flying to San Diego

Hi! Well due to  unexpected allergy attack I just couldn’t get to sleep I skipped
blowing my nose and it was cold in the apartment and I just couldn’t get one top we can just lay there so I just got off washer highlights of the Super Bowl forward Minnesota lost to Kansas City chiefs 23 to 7. I see the Cowboys won 

and the Eagles kill Detroit 38 to 7. Detroit look kind of decent in terms 

all of its other losses but this one they looked pretty pathetic from what I saw in the highlights. I 

finally made some coffee at around 9 o’clock. Lynne got up and she was able to go back to sleep. 

I’m gonna be one tired buckaroo running around the airport from about four till  six and then flying and 
arriving in California around 11:30 PM Pacific daylight time.  That’s about 2:30 in 

the morning Eastern daylight Time. Speaking of daylight time that doesn’t last too much longer it’s one more week of it and then it goes to standard time we lose  son became an hour asleep we have a meal later prepare it looks pretty 

nice outside thanks to take a nap for like two hours before I fly out. It’s almost 10:15 PM right now and Lynne remove the wet rugs from the leaking heater/AC unit. I’m still working on 
my coffee. I was finally able to get a nap in. It was tremendous not quite enough sleep but it was definitely something I’m getting ready to leave soon. It’s 12:40 PM. Insert
 a timer for delicious

 homemade oatmeal and it tasted really good and hit the spot. No it is 2:15 PM. I had two bowls of the 
oatmeal and then she needed to play c

with the cat and I’m gonna drive her car back to my place finish packing feed the cat and then we’re supposed to leave by 3:15 PM. That is the latest plan I’m still very tired so time is just 

weird right now.  Well I just found out doing email from the work that they’re offering up to five days off if you can if you’re vaccinated. Even for people that vaccinate a while ago. Also 
you can use a lump sum if you don’t take the time. I need to call the retirement person who ask if I can take the lump sum for the five days because of retirement. 
It’s now 5:50 PM we’re getting ready

 to board. 6:12 PM and everybody’s bored is there double checking if everybody’s on still people looking for seats a few of them. There’s always a few in every flights6:12 PM 
and everybody’s bored is there double checking if everybody’s on still people looking for seats a few of them. 

There’s always a few in every flight. When was 9:12 AM and we just passed Lincoln Nebraska

 on the way to Salt Lake City. We’re about 2/3 of the way there. I took

 a couple naps. Pat said the window was unlocked and open so will have 

to work on that. Did this today we found out that  State employees  are offered 

up to five additional days off to get  The COVID-19 vaccinations . I have a month and a half left the job I’m wondering if I could turn into a lump sum because 

I retired. It’s good news that’s for damn sure. I can’t believe they’re offering it. Thank God Wolf is governor. We are now

 flying on the plane @10:00 PM eastern daylight time Lynne went 

over and started taking care of the cat Danny. Pat was home. We’re literally about the flyover  Fort Collins, 

Colorado  to Salt Lake City at the same time. Shiver me timbers in 

Philadelphia areas nice and cold it going to  be cold for the next few days. I’m glad

 I’m away on vacation or it’s gonna be a shock when I get back when it’s no more daylight savings time

 and it’s cold 🥶  yay..? Anyhow I waited almost an hour and a connecting flight from Salt Lake City to San Diego went smoothly. I did not buy any Wi-Fi because it 
was only an hour and a half from Salt Lake City to San Diego. We arrived around

 11:20 PM and I told my sister pick me up Approximately 1130. She’s going
 to be late I know but I’ll charge my phone because my battery’s dying and I’ve got allow the world some space. It’s 11:36 PM I’m charging the phone and hanging 
out at baggage claim but I don’t have any baggage claim there’s plugged it works here so that’s why I’m here I’m gonna finish up this blog posting and wait for Alice
to pick me up. Uber is $73 one-way to get from here to pow way there’s no other public transit alternative at this time of night. It’s now 11:48 PM. I’m finishing

 up this blog posting I will leave it and published for a little while before I have to take it off the 
line and get some of the other ones fixed up. after arriving at the airport waiting 

an hour and then realizing I got to take Uber. The Uber dude was great he showed up in three minutes and 

the price went down from  $75 to $50 to $34. I got to Alice around 1 AM. We talked for a while and then I went upstairs and crashed

1 comment:

Murray Warnock said...

You were in Salt Lake City! (well, briefly, anyway.) Sorry we couldn't say hi. Hope you have a great time in San Diego. I hear it is beautiful there. Maybe you'll see a whale! I'm moving back to my hometown of Lewiston, Idaho this weekend. Have an apartment for the next 6 months until the new job becomes permanent. Job is completely remote, so after that I could end up anywhere. Enjoy southern California!