Friday, July 21, 2023

Thursday, July 20: Tired, Hard Yoga and Dinner on Girard Ave

This morning I woke up and wasn’t too bad. Humidity was a little 
bit less I noticed. I had my normal breakfast and packed up for my 

yoga class. I still couldn’t get my butt moving. I just kind of work slowly and was

 running late but it was better to catch up and get a little more sleep

. Once I got to Mike’s, we did a little bit of cleanup and then we went to a doctors 

appointment at 11 AM. The doctors office made us wait for an hour

 for 15 minute appointment. They definitely seem to be over booking 

like madman. The staff was nice to us, but whoever planned

 the appointments is trying to make the most money that they can. I guess that’s 

capitalism. Anyhow, I had my normal lunch talked on the phone

 for a little while mid day and I’m gonna go to yoga and then probably do a  Fellowship 

gathering in Fairmount before the meeting tonight. I’m on 

Snapchat, but I don’t use much because mostly women trying to seduce me and scam me. But I just got a Snapchat from you that’s typed up by an intern I just rolled in laughter. Apparently the Economist is concerned about populating the nation. I guess it more babies is better for the economy ergot this magazine.
Well, I’m getting ready to 
head to yoga class. I just finished off the supercoffee and I have 

to remember to bring my drink. Part of me just wants to be a lazy bum and not do it but I will do it and maybe be social for a minute, 

maybe not cause I’m going to some Fellow shipping. Anyway, it is what it is. It’s 338. I left late because there’s last minute things that I didn’t get to that. I 
honestly forgot about. But I got them done. I got those disgusting ice 

pack things out of the sink. It’s pretty sunny today will partly cloudy. I will  I’m heading to the studio, hoping 

to make it on time and stuff. I went to yoga. The class was extremely 

difficult for me because I just couldn’t catch my breath. I felt a little gassy probably 

because I had something and make me gassy. I guess it was mainly really

 stuffy and I couldn’t get any air. I then went to a place called Libertee Grounds to meet some folks from 

my group. I’ve never been to this place which is off of W. Gerard 

Ave. near 17th. Recalls a kid 17th to drivers near the Saint Joe’s prep and Gisu church and was really scary. Anyhow, that

 was fun we ate and then played Kuisle. The game is real bacon 

bar still after all these years. Afterwards, I was driven to the meeting. Meeting was fine. I just was really tired by that point. I tried 

it afterwards and then ran to catch the 49 bus to 30th St. I then came home via via the market Frankford line. Then
I  talk 
the phone , and then crashed. It was an OK day today. I was just kind of there all day. The big hype is still about Oppenheimer & Barbie.
 “Can’t wait to see this - I adore Cillian Murphy’s acting!!” Oppenheimer and 

Barbie are showing together at mini movie theaters, 

and they’re both selling very well. So even lowbrow and highbrow people can unite together this summer.
It’s a show of national unity, which is healthy for America in my humble opinion. and I’m very humble. I like to think I can fit in 

highbrow and middlebrow mentality but who knows. Indeed.

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