Saturday, July 29, 2023

Friday, July 28: Trash Day and a Quiet Day

Good day it’s today’s Friday and I’m glad. I’m taking a day off of yoga class so I can work on my photographs and rest up for the intensive

 yoga workshop. That’s happening tomorrow morning at 9 AM. It’s already hot 

but you’re still dead breeze that makes it somewhat tolerable.

 I just thought of something there is a product called Bain de Soleil. It was for that St. Tropez tan and I just thought of it and they discontinued it in 2019. I can understand it with climate change and awareness

 of skin cancer and SPF 4 is really not gonna help. Anyhow, I arrived at Mike’s before it got really hot outside. We then took a walk because it only 

gets hotter as the day goes on. It was a good walk and we got stuff from a check cashing place such as stamps and a roll of quarters. Oh the rest the day was pretty quiet I must say which
was nice. I decided I wasn’t gonna go to yoga at four so I just relax Mike’s a little bit overtime and then eventually got home. They did go through some pictures and now I’m trying to 

figure out how much I’m charging and I’m gonna be sending pictures to Heather on a link via Google. I’m not sure how that’s gonna work but we’ll see what happens. I did manage to throw my 
laundry in the wash. I didn’t talk to my phone the phone with sleep by 11:30 PM which is good for me.

 I have to do that because I have a yoga workshop tomorrow at 9 AM which will go on till like one and I think it’s sort of like an advanced class . Other really good people are gonna be there etc. etc. Anyway that is that. 

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