Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Tuesday, March 28: Ear Nose Throat Dr & Yoga

Hello & greetings from the land the time did not forget. I got up at 6:45 AM. And then at breakfast and decided that I would just be late so I’ve packed up 

my yoga stuff and got ready to get going. The one train I usually catch didn’t run because of “operator unavailability.” Anyhow, I was running late, so it didn’t 

affect me directly. Did you know there was a Disco woman named Samantha Sangg. She’s famous for a little bit singing a bad song, and she probably met a disco man

 and lived happily ever after. Anyhow, took out the trash and I’m just got a muffin and a Pepsi for Mike and then I’m gonna go to a doctors appointment which is pretty much

 around the corner at 17th and south. It’s an 1115 appointment for those want you 15 minutes early so they can review you. I did fill out the forms you have to answer to go to the doctors

 appointment. It’s now 10:24 AM. I'm going to the ear nose and throat doctor

 right now. Fortunately it's right around the corner @ 1740 South St. It's

 the same location as Mike's foot doctor so it's a 7 minute walk. Well it’s now  

11:36 AM and I just got sent back to wait for the doctor. Got my blood🩸 pressure 
taken and I’m just waiting. I took a nice picture overlooking Webb Street 

near 17th and South and put it on Facebook. When I went on TikTok and well, I always find interesting and informative information. Well this standup comedian tells it like it is. The drag queens are NOT the groomers. 

They're just the target of the right wing. He says it in a very colorful way. Well it’s 141 in Mike and I are taking a walk. I think I’m gonna be looking 

for a new psychiatrist so that would go under my plan because my meds. I  not going to worry since I’m gonna be on the same ones. When I found out my next appointment

 wasn’t till June so I’m gonna see if there’s people at a certain building that Mike has his and then go to therapy at 4 o’clock and then yoga at 5:30 and then come home and try not to 

nap and stay up so I can sleep. oh I went to that eappointment and left me pretty exhausted but I went to yoga and went 

OK. I got hot but it didn’t feel any worse for wear. I did, however keep sweating 
so I stayed

 at the studio for a while I decided that I would love do takeout Chinese at this really good Chinese place right next to the studio. I’m also thinking of taking a 

vacation because I’m just tired. I just need a break but we’ll see I have to work

 things out. At 7:25 PM the city gave the all clear for drinking the water. I won’t be affected by the oil spill. That’s a relief.
it’s now 8:22 PM. I just got my take-out order and I’m gonna head back. I’m on the phone at 10. Hopefully he’ll run with no problems and funny girl is running in on Broadway according to vogue magazine. I took a picture of the cover, which is Rihanna showing off her baby bump, which is like a baby Boulder but she did it right tonight that’s for sure.

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