Monday, March 13, 2023

Monday, March 13: Errands & STILL Fighting this Cold up

Well, I woke up couple hours early and then went back to sleep. Next me there was podcast of somebody telling about different issues such as your tastes 
set sense of smell goes away and you have psychedelic thoughts. 

Anyway, I got up, got dressed and ran to catch the train back to Philly to be with 

Mike. Anyway, it’s pretty rainy out just very steady little misty 

rain. The train is pretty crowded but I made it my nose still running and you know the cough I fight often the chest is a bit tight so I probably won’t go to yoga today either. I just want to get completely better. Well, I just saw on YouTube that CNN reports 
that George Santos had a credit card skimming scheme with another dude in Seattle who got busted. He just reported it to the F, FBI, another law-enforcement.  This happened in 2017. Anyhow, hotel 10:27 PM I 

attempted to do laundry but some other jack ass has the has their clothes in the washer. I’m gonna give them 45 minutes and then I’m gonna put their laundry in the basket. Anyhow I’m still feeling shitty. It’s really

 getting old, I think I’m gonna call the doctor later today or tomorrow get an appointment. I don’t know what the hell’s going on anyhow I’m going to the Rite Aid it’s now 10:28 AM. The rain has stopped for now. I picked 

up the Scripps and the rains held off so far. I was on the phone for a bit 

and going to head back to Mike so hopefully I can start his 

laundry. John Oliver did a segment on TANF and how welfare funds were stolen by 

Brett Favre for his daughters volleyball
 court at some university, and how a lot of the money to use for bullshit and not for the poor citizens. anyhow, I came straight home and walk class again because I just want to get better. We came home and napped and hang out at Mike’s past the 3 o’clock hour.

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