Sunday, August 01, 2021

Sunday, August 1: An Italian bakery, going to Ardmore, & Canoeing on the Delaware

It’s Sunday fun day. I got up pretty early and met a friend 
friend from our group down in South Philly on S. 10th St. There’s 

coffee shop there that was pretty cool. When I got there it was pretty

 empty. I ended up walking from market Street to Carpenter 

 treet because the 47 bus never showed up. My friend showed up late and we ended up talking outside  until the spitting rain started. She struggling with her boyfriend issue and her 

 cademic pressure. I hadn’t seen her in a couple years. Anyhow went to a bakery an old South Philly bakery. This is it like mom and pop from 1907 bakery. She 

 ought a bunch of stuff and I bought my own peach tart. It was wrapped in a nice box. I didn’t want to do the box so I’m gonna bring it over when I go to Ardmore.

 After I got back, I took a nap. I then ordered a 105 bus. I just made it in time. I couldn’t find my sandals but I remembered I had bought shoes

 in case we do go canoeing. It’s now 2:05 PM and I just arrived at the Ardmore 

 ouse. Well we did get going But first we have it gas for the car.  $3.43  a gallon

. Everything was filled with 25 bucks of gas, where am I found Lancaster Pike
until we went to Route 476. We went 

 n interstate 476 all the way up to the turnpike to 309 N. After you took 309 N.  We then went to route 202 N. deal with 611 N. From there we ended up referral network 

me Point Pleasant Canoeing and Keilar The Working Walls.

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