Thursday, August 19, 2021

Thursday, August 19: Work and a Ride 2 Bridgeton NJ

Well I got up in my usual way at 8:50 AM and then a reminder at 8:58 AM. I got to work 

 retty quickly once a got myself together. I had my normal breakfast today

 since I had my soy milk. I then plowed away at the Carfare list that I 

 ave to create by the 20th of each month. My supervisor was out today. I know she’ll 
 want that report by tomorrow which is the 20th. But asked me if I wanted to 

 o on a ride to Bridgeton and back to get his car tuned up. I

 K just a break up the monotony of the last couple of days. We then just drove to Route 553 and 

 hen to Route 49 near Bridgeton. It was weird seeing Brigid again I hadn’t

 been there in years. We went near a wild life refuge walk the dog and then 

 urned around and head back. We first dropped at a Mexican restaurant and got some 

 akeout. That takeout was really good. It was real burritos. Big fat ones! That did hit the spot

 big time. I did notice why rain album very hot it was. I was glad once

 we got moving throughout the garbage that were able to use his air 

 onditioning because the heat really got to me. It was a nice trip.  I then  finished up work and that was about it. I then went to an online AA meeting  

 which I haven’t been on in a while. I thought about going downtown but I’m too tired for all that so I didn’t. I’m glad I don’t have to take

that ride to get to work. I’ve become so used to working at home and not 

 ommuting terrified to do that over again five days a week for a year I think I’d 

 ull all the rest of my hair out. The ride was interesting in the is very pretty and pristine out there in the suburbs of 

 Bridgeton. Apparently I can’t link my videos to this blog because of some weird problem that YouTube is having so I guess I’m not gonna do videos for a little while until YouTube clears up 

 he ratio which is some real technical thing I don’t understand. Anyhow I got home and took a shower because 
humidity‘s got awful. These are truly 

 he dog days of summer as they say. I’ve been chilled out for the rest of the night and it was relaxing.

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