Thursday, July 15, 2021

Thursday, July 15: Work Mental Gymnastics, & Yoga

This morning I was just dead to the world I just didn’t feel like waking up quite frankly. Yeah I was more than sluggish I was extremely tired. I was feeling 

 unmotivated like a life wasting sluggard. The guy who wrote the symptoms made up of the 99 types and ploys in one of the 99 types employees is the “life wasting sluggard.“ THAT was 
 me this morning. I finally got myself cooking with gas and seeing that I 

 ad a whole bunch of reverse referral from one of our providers.. I wasn’t sure 

 hether it was reversed referrals or just a report to send Matt. I was told by my supervisor that there were reversed referrals so I went 
 head and process them. I have yet to send them. I’m gonna send them tomorrow I want to get the work done today. Find a discussion about  who would be my emergency
 contact. After a little back-and-forth I made a decision and hopefully that issue was done forever. I watch Donald a lot of retirement videos specially from this one dude and I 

 ut a couple of his graphs up. I said several warm so I could get myself prepped 

 nd ready when I go to yoga for my 5:30 PM class. That seem to work and I caught my train 

 ust in the nick of time. This way I can go to the locker room and ease into the class

 rather than run like a freak. I also signed out of work right at five. It’s very 

 ortunate I live in Melbourne I don’t have to walk to the train very far. I just got 

 back home from yoga. I've been listening to this guy about retirement 

 ver the last few weeks. Apparently three weeks ago, he made this video . He got very frustrated with welfare people and poor people etc  I guess investment gurus don't have

 patience with less fortunate people and their "behavior" I put it on Twitter I’m very curious about the reaction and also what responses I’ll get from

 my two comments I made that were definitely left of center. Most of the people 

 ubscribing to him probably buy into his conservative leanings. I only saw 1 guy that 

 ounded somewhat liberal in the whole thing. Anyhow it’s 9:36 PM I’m waiting for Fred to come over and drop off food and take a walk.

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