Sunday, December 03, 2023

Sunday, December 3: Breakfast, Mom and Yoga

Well, I woke up this morning to find out that SEPTA is going to be changing the names of all it city transportation lines. The Market Frankford line is going to be called the L not the EL but the letter L the Broad Street 

lines going to be called the B, and the trolleys are going to be called the tea, the media trolley is gonna be called the D as in Delco baby Anyhow, we went to a place, called
Montreal Style Spread Bakery. It was really good it’s right next to the square on Square Chinese food place we like to go to. I had myself an egg and cheese bagel with turkey 🥓 

and spinach. There was tasty in the coffee was decent. They didn’t have soy,

 but it was fine. Back to the Dorchester enjoyed our breakfast 

and talked for a while. We talked about Heather building apartments and renting

 condos for thousand dollars a month etc. It was fun hanging out. 

talked to Dave and he’s not visiting so I’m gonna see mom late. It’s still drizzling rain. I’m trying to catch the train but we’ll see what 
happens. I’m on YouTube. This guy fixed the videos to old football 🏈 games, one of them was Super Bowl 5.  minutes & note Kurt Just watch the first 10 or 15  Gowdy’s funky shirt with Joe Namath. The game is interesting, but the commercials are really far out. Well, I took the trolley and then the EL and then the 111 bus to Riddle Village. Ended up the 

trolley took forever to show up but I looked up and I was only going to 

be 10 minutes later No, it only be there at Riddle Village 10 minutes later so it 

gave me time to go home. Take my meds and then head out. It’s

 now 3:02 PM I went through. Wawa got some provisions, and the rain has mostly

 stopped. Several slight, very slight missed which is good. I have to leave 

by around 4:30 PM to make it to Yoga by 6 PM. I got my moms and we watched

 Denver lose on the touchdown attempt to turn to an interception

 and then she went to dinner around 4:20 PM and I saw the Titans and the Colts

 got overtime 25 to 25 tide. And then walked over to the bus and it 

was about 2 minutes late, which is fine because I had some leewayon catching
the Market Frankford Line. The rain has stopped at this time at 4:46 PM. Well, it’s now 5:35 PM. I just arrived at 15th and market Street so I managed the time 

the train about right there’s still a little mist in the air here at City Hall. I’m 
a little tired frankly I’m gonna buy a water at least it’s an easy going

 class not intense 90 minute class. I was showing Mary a picture of myself

 from 2019. And I was wondering if I started yoga in 2018 but I found out that my 1st day of Hot Yoga was march 24, 2019. You know something that was a Sunday as well. I arrived about 15 minutes before class started. I saved a spot for Mary and Wes isn’t coming by to do the drop off so we’ll have to try another day.

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