Saturday, December 02, 2023

Saturday December 2: Dog Sitting, Choir Practice πŸ•

Good Saturday to everybody. I got up @6:45 AM to help with Pat with print

 outs. We didn’t leave the house till about 9 AM. I was really tired 4 sure! Pat was catching a train @ 30th St. to go to Hatboro to pick up a motorcycle.

 I drove his car, which took a little bit of getting used to to drive, but I got back and parked in the 2nd driveway of a neighbor 

that he uses at times. I came home and promptly eat some breakfast. 

Breakfast was good, and I took a nap with the dog. Dog 🐢 was well

 behaved more than before. I end up napping too 11:30 PM and I was like holy shit I could get ready and stuff. Meanwhile, my Amazon came at the crack

 of dawn did that and another order of juices came in which is really good. I also paid $170 for my monthly payment. We got a 7 minute

 break during choir rehearsal. We have practice till 5 PM and then I'm going to be going to Mary's. I totally overdressed. It got warm

 out. Well, it’s 330
Great and it’s pizza break time here in Philadelphia at the 

William Way Center practice went pretty well. I feel like going home afterwards taking a nice shower and then bringing more extra clothes in my backpack πŸŽ’ 

because it was mild today to be freezing tomorrow it just hard to tell what 

iis what. They have tons of pizza here from vegan to tomato free

 for those allergic to tomatoes etc. It’s only half hour break and then we we go singing for another hour. luckily for us rehearsal went well so he let us out 10 minutes

 early which was a great relief. This enabled me to walk on down the 13th and 

Market Streets to catch the EL. The cat elk came pretty quickly and 

I then set a load to Pat and jumped in the shower. boy that felt good to take a 

shower. That undershirt hat on was nasty. And I’m thinking I 

might end up eating with Dave at the club so I wanted to have half decent clothes on so I don’t look “homeless at his golf club. I found the blades that I have left which aren’t

 many but enough to keep me going for six months I suppose  I should be at Dorchester by 6:25 PM. Traffic is really bad in Philly. I think they had a parade today

 and it’s Saturday night so I don’t know why anybody would want to drive through the city on the Saturday night. Leslie absolutely had to. Traffic in the city so really bad. They had a Christmas parade but it’s really mild and it’s not raining. It’s not supposed to rain till 2:30 AM and probably rain most of the day tomorrow. I don’t know if I’m going to my moms or not we’ll see. I have a reggae class at six that much I know.

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