Saturday, September 03, 2022

Saturday, September 3: 🥵 Downingtown to Ardmore

I woke up around 9:30 AM. Finally got a better around 9:45 AM. I had my breakfast etc. I just I 

couldn’t decide what I wanted to do with myself today because I just didn’t know. I didn’t want to commit to things I didn’t want to do. I wasn’t motivated to call people and ask for their company. I 

kind of just wanted to be left alone but at the same time I didn’t want to sit around and be a life wasting slugger. I canceled the reservation and checked into Zipcar for used possibly 

tomorrow but that  would cost at least $85  which was maybe $20 less than 

two day rental that I just canceled so that felt kind of stupid. I was 

going to go to Trenton for shits and giggles but I decided that that was not going to

 be a smooth way to transition back to Ardmore so I decided

 to go to Downingtown to see what the wealthy suburbanite boyfriend girlfriend

 oriented people do out there. It’s hot and I just caught the train around

 12:56 PM no it’s 1:50 PM and we’re just arriving in Malvern. Wes just sent a picture of himself and Greg in Ireland at a pub. I’ve been texting people often on and 

updating this blog post it for your entertainment and definitely mine. 

The train  at least it’s air-conditioned and  cool I am going to Downingtown which is the last stop. Thorndale‘s only. They go to sometimes. I am then taking the Amtrak straight to Ardmore later on because it 

was only 11 bucks. It’s eight dollars just to go from Philly to Downingtown so 

it’s a wash baby. Please stop this place called Whitford. I didn’t even know it was a real train stop so I got to Downingtown and it’s a quaint little town with a nice little Main Street 

decided I’d walk along the main street take pictures and eventually get 

something to eat. During this time I texted back-and-forth about getting

 hats. Also spoke about it. Anyhow I did find an authentic Mexican place and decided I would eat there. It was quite tasty for sure. It’s now about 5:00 PM it’s cooled

off significantly. I think that’s because the clouds are starting to 

gather in. I suddenly had to go so I figured I was also in the mood for a custard and 

had this custard place it was nobody there staff by teenage girls and just 

like America. And I took care of my business and got a pretty tasty vanilla cone 

it was less than four bucks at the custard and he would be at least 8 dollars 

for a small. So it’s cool. It’s cooled off quite nicely and I’m gonna catch the 

train at 6:15. I left paid 11 bucks for the ticket I had to buy the 

ticket at a kiosk at 30th St. close the Amtrak app wasn’t working. Talk to my sister

 today it was an interesting conversation is normal. I told her 

about a dream I had where I got shot in the head. We talked about that for a little bit. 

Anyhow it’s now 545 about a half hour till the train comes at 6:10. 

It’s an Amtrak train so hopefully it’ll show up when it says it’s gonna

 shop. My original plan was to go to Trenton but that was so convoluted

 that going to Downingtown was just a lot easier for my schedule and gave me enough time to hang out and get back before it gets dark. I brought some yogurt I’m gonna eat

 that while I wait for the train to show up and I’m gonna have one of my lemon juices 

repair for what happens next after I get on the train. I have a lot 

of work to do on myself and I am supposed to be starting work for the Commonwealth 

again but I don’t think we’re gonna start on time. So I’m gonna call 

them Tuesday or Wednesday next week to find out what the Hells going on. Well the train came right on time. 6:30 PM right now and the next stop will be Ardmore Pennsylvania

 we just left Paoli. The big Daddys the world will drop off their

 daughters and tomorrow is Sunday of the Labor Day weekend. Well after I got off the train I decided

 to go to the Rite Aid and get some liquid refreshment such as Diet Pepsi  and 

one of the juices. The one I’m drinking is fine but it’s a little warm. It’s now 651 I’m

approaching the Ardmore dead zone When it comes to cell tower coverage.😖🧐 Just before enter

  The designated  dead zone I’m sitting across from the Masons house 

right near the place where I’m going. I am going to stand in the place where

you live now face North. Given up for direction like you never 

had before. I got here and found out that I was pretty tired. I’m feeling a little 

sweaty and hot but people walk and hopefully it’ll be smooth sailing. However 

 tomorrow and Monday I have to get up and be out of the house by 10:30 AM to get 

things moving. It’s supposed to get Claudia and clutter each day today

 started out pretty 
sunny but now it’s mostly cloudy. It’s not supposed to rain here but it is going to be rainy up north. Anyhow after the walk I took the bus back home and went to sleep man

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