Friday, September 02, 2022

Friday, September 2: Returning 🚘 Got Passport

I got up from Mo very heavy sleep. I was really exhausted from all that driving I did yesterday. I had a dream that I bought an iPhonethese guys were following

 me and I could tell they wanted to steal it somehow I escaped. Then when I was home a bunch of dudes came in and one of them actually shot me in the 

head and then I woke up. It was really weird. My room was as dark as it to him  because the shades were down. I got up and decided to have breakfast outside

 here in Ardmore and the benches here we’re really relaxing. Internet 

 reception is bad but I didn’t that’s very pleasant. It’s 1213 it’s time to take 

a walk and talk in the sunny weather and then dash down to the rental car 

place. Hopefully I can find it with no problem. Well, I was running late 

to the rental place and I was gonna extend my car rental but when I called the Philippines with their customer service serviceWell, I was running late to the rental place and I was going to

 extend my car rental but when I called the Philippines where their customer service
is located, they couldn’t get to the computer

 and I found that I only had a half hour leeway so I didn’t wanna pay for a full day because I was on hold so I said screw it and return the car back to the place. I then decided, 

against my better judgment, to take SEPTA back to Upper Darby. I had to walk through South West Philadelphia
for 20 minutes 
in the intense sunshine then wait for the bus. And the bus took a really scenic route. By time I got home I was exhausted from all the activity in the tanks. So I just blobbed around for the rest

 of the day. oh yes, Pat told me it was gonna rain up in Port Jervis New Jersey so we’re canceling our 

trip so I am doing MONDAY Night Beginners at 6:30 on Monday. Actually 6:45 PM Monday Labor Day

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