Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Wednesday, May 10: A Spring Day 4 the Normal

  Well I woke up after a somewhat fit for sleep all the sudden my  chest was tight and I just had trouble getting rested. I did manage to get up after turning off the alarm around 8 AM. I went to Ryebread and got coffee and a cookie and that was that was delicious  . I got to the bus stop and there were about   ight people waiting for the bus. Well, 348 buses all came in tandem. I caught  the second bus. I've been waiting for the Elm that was a little bit delayed so I ended up being   a little bit late. Peter was a little anxious to know where I was and almost got me marked  down for being late. Fortunately that didn't happen.  I did move along with my work this morning and I just didn't feel very efficient at all. It wasn't  a bad day I just didn't feel terribly efficient with my time. I   idn't have much for lunch just to Coke and some chips which is really not good for me    suppose. After work I waited for the 21 and call 21 bus down Chestnut Street to pats house. Once there  I went to the Kababish and got the dinner together it was about $20. We didn't listen to sniff in tears with her  one hit wonder. We then watched a movie about a murder in Britain but we got a little  bored with the kids they're dragging it out. About a creep who killed   wo girls and they looked into what his life was like it was kind of funky. Both of us decided we  needed a little nap before walking your dogs. Well that nap turned into me getting up at midnight and calling Uber and   eading home. The Uber driver was really cool he was telling me they updated the terms of service three times in one week. The one term   f service that he looked at was 47 pages. That's for the drivers.

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