Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Tuesday, May 30: Another Cool Cloudy May Day

  Today is the second to last day of May 2017. It's a cloudy   ool morning today. I am still fighting off this cold that I caught a week ago today. I'm guessing  I really caught it we can a half ago. That would be when I was at the cabin in   anitoulin Island. Anyhow I went to the Ryebread for the last time I  bought myself a coffee and oatmeal cookie. I just realized I left my oatmeal cookie there    also realized I forgot my meds this morning. Oh bummer! Ryebread is   losing today and re-opening at 1711 Fairmount Ave. it's a logical to have my morning coffee   here since it's four blocks away from the old spot. Enough I went to the clubhouse   here's two coffee shops closer. Anyhow I did schedule a   umber of people today. And the reports are all due this week. Do anything negative  about having Mondays off is that I lose a day of no appointments. Yes today would've   een a good day to hide under a rock and sleep forever. It's cloudy  cool spitting rain.  believe it or not it's not the rainiest May on record! My head don't feel that wonderful. 6 or 7 people 
  howed up today. Walking is well. I was OK nothing great got through it. My  supervisor Now going to be late to my appointment because the else seems to be on stall mode. It's now 5:19 PM. Went to my appointment which was pretty good. I paid $80 for the last couple of   ppointments. And then hung out at the coffee Joe. I was pretty good I killed some time   nd then came home and have some Indian that I brought home. That was really yummy 

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