Friday, May 19, 2017

Friday, May 19: leaving Sault Ste. Marie Arriving at Manitoulin Island

 Good day everybody well I got up pretty early around 830 got my stuff together met up with April  and we did a little shopping and drinking coffee at Tim Hortons. I got some T-shirts for   heap it's a Canon it on so lease there a cheap souvenirs. I'm waiting for my ride to come at 11 o'clock. My ride   Cathie came up pretty soon after 11 o'clock. As a goodbye to Jeff. He was really   ospitable. When we drove for quite some time and we stopped at various cool places that she knew about from the   revious trips to Manitoulin Island. It's a beautiful sunny day it's cool but it really feels   ice. Rather be in this weather than 90° and humid back in Philadelphia. First stop   as what was the first stop was at the salon we went somewhere before the salon but I don't  remember OK will have to go up. Well the sights we went to in the way of really nice and then we went to a Frey stand and I got fries and a chicken burger and she got a bagel sandwich and tiny fries. The small fry's held a lot of fries that's for sure.I have to go back to that.   We picked up two given hitchhikers on the way they were very nice.  anyhow we arrived at the place around 445. I signed up for the $40 registration fee and I'm keeping an  eye out for when the Philadelphia people show up and register. When I ran into Pat and got my stuff loaded in his car. He told me he went   o a sweat lodge. Cathie told me to same thing.   he is going to many of them I've never been to one maybe this year maybe another year  I'll do one. It's 533 and the Friday night opening meeting is at 8 o'clock which is a good thing   ince I'm going to nap and set up my bed etc. Eventually I'm gonna want to buy groceries and pay the rent for the  cottage.It's now 7:30 PM and wait for the rest of the folks come out and we're all going to ride up   o the conference center for the beginning of the conference starting at 8 o'clock. Pretty nice day outside

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