Saturday, September 04, 2021

Saturday, September 4: A Beautiful Day in Media

Well I woke up around 9:45 AM this morning and didn’t have any cereal but it didn’t matter because I had to catch the media 
train  by 10:20 AM this  morning. The train left fortunately a little bit late so I was able to catch the train on time. In the midst of all this the Riddle village said that their people 

weren’t allowed to be seen or taken out for  unch because there’s a Covid outbreak. Then about 10 minutes 
later it change and we could take out my mom 

 or lunch. I found out through my brother that they require their staff to get vaccinated here at the Riddle Village
can you believe

 that shit!?! This country is being run by the stupid ass foot soldiers for the conservatives are looking for power at all costs and I think it might work because

 when the Democrats present they always get friggin smashed in the midterms and Republican parties more nuts than it was in 2010 and 2012. It’s a beautiful 

day here and it’s been real nice since that massive remnants of fire 

 ame in and flooded the whole city and suburbs out. Well we went to the  Sterling Pig 

 hich is a little bar restaurant and we got to eat outside. That was very delightful. We 

 ung out and talked and I had chicken wings and Dave had pizza and my mom had a 

 hamburger.  We dropped my mom off and we went to her old apartment and label things to be moved to stay and we found some paintings and one f them was actually Alice is painting thank God we salvaged it. Dave I think it’s gonna ship it out to Alice. The old  apartment was nice it’s too bad she didn’t get to stay in there 
too long. Anyhow after we threw out all the junk mail soliciting money within went to the old condo and they picked up 

 some mail. Also found out about something I completely forgot about. That will be interesting  when that Hass to be dealt with. That’s gonna be 

 nteresting. Anyway I’m not gonna think about that right now but end of life choices are invariably complex

. Dave and I hung out at his house for a while and then he drop me 

 ff at  State Street Delta media where I had a coffee 
 nd hung out for about 10 minutes. I hought the trolley. Thank God the trolleys are running again. The bus was kind of bogus. Anyway,  i came
home took a nap 

 nd went down to West Philly. I got a ride with Pat when he was going to work. He’s 
hard-working man that Pat is. And then

 went to Center city and then took the train back home. I then talked on the phone had some dinner and sang tunes. It was not a bad day at all. It was 
  beautiful day weatherwise of course. Pat and I 

 ere noticing how all the buildings were so cheaply filled. It’s not a whole bunch of new housing all over Penn’s campus. Mike was  complaining about that and that’s why his rentals are harder to fill 

 ecause of all the new “luxury“ housing in the University City area. All I can 

 ay is do it right tonight baby. Do it do it good for the neighborhood. happy September everybody.

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