Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Wednesday, December 25th: Yoga and Dinner

Merry Christmas, everyone out there in blog world and world 

outside this blog. Today I started my day at the Dorchester had breakfast with Mary and then I ran off to sign 

in at Mike’s. After I settle in with Mike, I went off to my 9 AM yoga class with Miah. This is the first time I’ve done consecutive early morning classes since 2019. Things were a lot different in 2019 as anyone who follows my blog will ascertain. 
Don’t you love that word I love using big words. Anyhow at one point, Miah split up the class for a pose and happened to be that Mary and I were directly next to each other and she mentioned the class. Oh this is so 

Mark and look at Mary and a couple hoots of laughter came out from the class. So we are an item and everybody knows about it that it’s cute but very odd as well.😊😏. Anyhow, the class was fine. It was a 90 minute class. After

 class, Mary and I went to the local Starbucks at 21st and Spruce. It was the only Starbucks open the one at 16th and Walnut was closed. I believe those workers

 went on strike, so I don’t know whether Starbucks is gonna pull a corporate maneuver and just close the store down rather than honor the strike.Anyhow, this

 store seem to be run just like any other day. They are closing at 2 o’clock. Anyhow, I went to Mike’s Mike took care of some business. Oh anyhow, I signed out from work officially and I’m gonna call up 

an Uber. It looks like they’ll be here within five minutes and it’ll probably

 take about another five minutes to get to the Dorchester from 

here. I just mostly relaxed with Mike as he took care of his business. Well, we got to Mary’s and we’re doing a little bit of last-minute updates before the other 2️⃣ guests come over. Well, Mary, Mike and I had 

a good conversation while the food was cooking up. Beth and Steve showed up and it was time to 

get the salad together and cook up the rice. That’s what we did. Sound 4:57 PM 

and Mike is talking with Beth and Steve. They seem to be getting along very well. Anyhow, 

dinner was ready and it was definitely ready to be eaten. It was very tasty. The

 rice was just fluffy and the meat was very tender. We talked about all kinds of topics. Steve

 has been a Santa Claus for the last nine years. He has a natural beard for it And they both work with Medicare

 insurance and helping people get plans or enroll them in plans. It’s kind of very complicated

 for sure. Best said he had to get the going so we got going and I called LIFT for Mike 

and there are plenty of Lyft drivers roaming around on Christmas Day. 

This lift ride was seven dollars plus tip, which isn’t bad considering it’s 

Christmas Day and it’s pretty cold outside not super frigid but much 

colder than with the sun out. I rode with Mike with the LIFT since he didn’t have his keys

 and I left my backpack at Mike’s. We got the Mike’s and it’s clear 

that Mike needs to exercise more because he got pretty exhausted pretty quickly. It’s 

now 8:35 PM and I’m walking up Locust Street towards 

Rittenhouse Square. Believe it or not tomorrow’s a normal old day can you believe 

that shit it’s the 26th anyhow I’m just arriving at the Dorchester. I’m going 

to help Mary clean up afterwards. I’ll tell you having people over is 

a big job now. I can see why people feel burdened when they have to do it all the time. I have a clearer

 picture of it now. The weather is moderating right now, which is a good thing. It was still pretty nippy outside, but it’s not that 20° weather that we had a couple days ago.

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