Saturday, December 14, 2024

Saturday, December 14: Yoga, Posture, Class, and food

This morning we got up at 9:30 AM because we have an 11 o’clock hot yoga class and then right after that posture class with Zane. So we had a quick

 breakfast got dressed and went down to Hot Yoga , Philadelphia for things 75 minute class. I was very stiff Because that’s how I am in the mornings 

with my postures. Class was good though it’s nice being taught by someone different every so often. Things are pretty skilled

 instructor that’s for sure. I found I didn’t eat enough for breakfast but made it. I did OK. Next came out 30 minute break between the ending of class and the beginning of the posture clinic. Mary 

and I went to Marathon diner and got ourselves a green monster smoothie. That was very tasty for sure. I also took a quick shower at the studio and got ready for the posture class. That posture

 class was very informative. She taught us to think about the connections between different postures
and how some of them linked directly 

to each other. Everything is based on the core/abdomen abs. We got classroom style instruction, but we also were able to demonstrate poses and watching in real

 time as she Made modifications and gave us pointers on what I should do and what other should do. I got very stiff because the room wasn’t hot and we were doing a lot of sitting I loosened up, 

however when we did a few posts and she helped me with one particular pose in which reach for your feet and hinge your head down towards the ground. She encouraged me to use my hands to 

hang onto my toes to start, which was good advice in my opinion. Next to after this class, we showered up and 
went to the formally vegan Chinese restaurant, which is right around the corner from the studio. Merry first got a coffee at the Starbucks the 16th and Chestnut. I was so hungry that food hit the spot. I had Topher 

with curry and it was spicy. I enjoyed that and that’s for damn sure.  It’s now 6:11 PM Mary starting to prep the vegetarian chili and I went to the corner 

store around the block and got two bottles of seltzer and a Pepsi for myself. I relaxed in my seat well, Mary prepared the vegetarian chili. She got low black 

beans and I went around the corner at a place called food and friends, and got a couple cans of black beans to fill out the stock pot of vegetarian chili! Well, we ended up watching 

a Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall movie called to have and have not. It was kind of the same plot as Casablanca. There was a bar where everybody hung out exotic music and a love interest and   World War II. It was entertaining. It’s funny so how some of the same actors are in both movies. It’s bogus and Baca.

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