Hi! this morning I had a really awful dream that I was failing out
of this college that was beautiful and mostly at black students I took a test under Jack Smith and was being clumsy and
interrupting things. It was really awful. I think it messed up my sleep. I then got up around 7:30 AM.
Had some raisin bran at Mary’s and
then headed off to Mike’s rehab place to be picked up by Bob the first thing I got caught you For Mike and I
of Mike’s rehab place. We then went to the self storage place brought a couple of extra things to the truck loaded the truck and then brought
it up up to Habitat for Humanity.
Bob wants to check out the truck by 11:30. It’s now 1037. We just left Habitat for Humanity. Bob’s taking a bunch of pictures of the truck for checkout. Bob is visiting
Mike in Baltimore tomorrow. He’s not doing any work tomorrow Monday. He won’t need me he said. I’ve had to dispute with U-Haul
so we
had to fill up with gas. It’s now 11 o’clock. Bob is going to return the truck.
back to the storage place and moved a couple of big items from the third floor storage unit to the seventh story
storage unit.
The third floor is costing him almost $400 a month because he’s had it since he
moved to Istanbul. We completed
that at about 1 PM and then Bob dropped me off at the Allegheny stop of
Lombard and charge my phone. I attempted to do some preemptive cleaning and it’s a bit frustrating because
I know I’m not sure where to begin. This place is so scrambled with paperwork medication‘s
and try us all over the floor and stains everywhere. I went ahead and followed Bob’s
instruction and sprayed the hell out of the place with Febreze. I
used up that bottle in no time. I sprayed everything every service I could
get a hold of even his old pillows. They are going to be thrown out
because I just decided what the hell we’re already buying them sheets and mattress coverings
got to throw out everything. You know I have to do a whole new
load of laundry probably to get the rest of the Mike smell out. It was just tiring to
go through and put around and still feel like there’s so much more
to go. It’s a tad disheartening. I would dare say anyway, it’s now 3:20 PM. I left
Mike’s after I did all that which included sweeping. I turned the
temperature down to 55° close the window. And I don’t know what else to do at
this point except try again on Monday. I’m taking off tomorrow from
all that stuff. Just read through Reddit that Wawa is closing another store at 16th and Randstad. I was
told that a store employee when I went in there once. They’ve closed
about three or four Center City stores in the last year and a half
to two years. I went to Mia’s 4:30 PM 90 minute class. It was really good. She corrected
me in the first pose and then gave me a encouragement to go all
the way down on the fixed firm pose, which I have never tried or done before I was like
I actually said “shit.“ I was so surprised that I was able to do it.
That was very uplifting to a very busy day. It’s now 7:07 PM and I’m going to get some
Indian and we’re gonna stay in tonight. Tonight was the da Vinci alliance
opening, but I didn’t even bring it up because I just didn’t wanna go out again. I’ve
been out two nights in a row and that’s a lot for me these days. It’s
especially so when it’s 30° outside and I’m not
used to the cold. Anyhow, Mayor
and I watched mad men and then we started
talking about various topics. One of them was getting stuff from Mike’s room and we looked at various items from Amazon and target so we put them on hold for a little bit till we get to decide.
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