Friday, November 30, 2018

Friday, November 30: Last Day Living in Philly

Well after staying up a bit late, I woke up around 715 ate breakfast and went back to sleep. I then woke up at 8:45 AM this 

 orning and start sealing up the boxes and getting his stuff ready for 

 hen Pat comes over at 11:15 this morning. I need it all the time that he gave me to get the 

 tuff remotely organized. I had to ask the front desk to reserve the elevator.

 There a real pain in the ass about moving and reserving stuff. I’m just looking forward to

 getting it done. It’s now 1 o’clock P.m. I’m at the capital one café. I’ll wait here to eat my Giro sandwich and just 

 hill out between the first and second part of the move today. Wes is getting his

 haircut at a place called Cut which is right on 13th and Walnut Street. I 
 inished up yesterday‘s blog posting. It’s not that cold outside which is fortunate. And it’s not raining which is which it’s supposed to do tomorrow. The idea is to move the stufff

 and keep it in the car till later tonight when it’s dark. Then when it’s dark 

we just move the stuff out. 

Their will be less questions from the neighbors from what I hear. Well I hung out at the café little bit more 
got a yogurt and coffee and headed back to 

 he place. Wes confirmed he’s coming over for after the bank
 and getting some pizza. Pats should be over here at 2   
o’clock I sent him a video of all the stuff that still remains. In the world outside my moving bubble, this article is panning Trump’s summit of futility.  ppears he’s coming up to Works that’s a concern to US and European cooperation. I certainly
Hope is only two more Years of this bullshit with Trump. Anyhow both Pat and Wes showed up about the same time and we started moving the rest of your stuff to the big van that Pat has. It all went very smoothly and quickly. Wes then left and Pat and I were about to leave and the van wouldn’t start. We soon discovered after attempting to get a jump from a nice man that the battery was completely 💀 dead!! Pat didn’t have AAA so we had to take care of this ourselves. We walked a mile down Broad Street two brought it and Washington and found the pep boys. This Pep Boys it was the smallest one we’ve seen. Was mostly service center and a very tiny store. Fortunately they did have the right size battery. It was a close call. We walked back with the battery which had to be 30 pounds at least. We installed the battery after Pat and I had to go to the hardware store twice on 10th St. because the plastic thing broke inside the socket. We ended up not needing to socket wrench but we use the pliers and I do help decide as well. We told the guy up in front that the car was sold out so we can get harassed too bad. We got the car started and went to Melbourne.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thursday, November 29: Moving Start, Working Hard and 2 Years ago Returns

Well since I was extremely tired and passed out, 

  decided I would work would start moving my shit around. I hadn’t even started. So that’s what I did. took almost everything out of the closet 

 iled up clothes that were clean and a separate pile of dirty clothes. At this point I might just do that you do we do with  the laundry that’s not clean so I an get it back in a need folded pile when I eventually get 

 ettled in. I arrive to work a little bit late but I was lucky I caught the train quickly. I 

 uess I Saul about six or seven people today. One group was a 2 parent

 household. I was pretty busy till about two if it is 32 or little bit

 of other work. My outside world crept into work. I got a couple text messages letting me know that eating a certain person eat in the cards… At least at this point…. It’s 
 ind of sucky but I’m real busy this weekend so maybe it’s just as well. Two years ago God holy shit what’s the two years ago guess it was maybe 

 hree who the hell knows at this point. Anyway am I’m going to go to my therapy appointment if it s works on that place. I was thinking of going to 

 airmount but I really can’t because I got work to do when I’m pretty tired I think I need to eat. I’m not surprised by this story. The article from the Washington Post states that Trump seems to appeal with men that are secretly insecure about their manhood.  Trump 

 lways have stuff like that is a leader and he’s good with Women. Anyhow enough for that stuff. 

The plan for the moving is for him to come by between 11 

 nd midnight move the small stuff . Tomorrow, will move the big furniture

 and then I need to clean the place in then walk really fast. Anyhow I came home and I

 didn’t walk real fast. I was exhausted so I lied down took a nap and then ate and watched highlights. Next I went to Target to see if they had big bags and they didn’t so I got 2 laundry bags 

 nd some recycle bags that’s all I can do. As midnight crawled 

 round it was decided that we wouldn’t do any moving this

 evening that we would start at 11:15 AM tomorrow to load the 

 mall stuff that he would run back and then you would 
 ome back to the big stuff. That works better anyway give me a little more time to Putz around

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Wednesday, November 28: Sunrise Work and the Cold

Hey what’s up? It’s hump day here in West Philadelphia. I manage to get up in time

 to go to sunrise. I was a little bit late but it was a good meeting. I finished off yesterday’s blog posting as well. I hung out with Mike at Saxbys we talked for a little bit. I call The “Wharton Express.” That is 

 hat I call the 21 bus in the morning when it’s packed with tons of graduate students

 and boyfriends and girlfriends and all that good 

 oung stuff loving that goes on when you have young adults that 

 ttend a prestigious eastern university like the University of Pennsylvania. 

 ell 38th Still . head and I was able to find a seat finally on the bus. I then  went to work and started working on my report and I had a couple

 walkins and took care of them. I had a can of chili for lunch and went to the Bodega and boy was it cold as heck outside. The wind was gusting like a mofo. Anyhow I got through the day nobody bothered me about

 getting report in but I got it in. I also didn’t hear anything such as “You should be sanctioning.” That probably we’ll start to happen in 

 ecember. I just got an email alert from Reddit. Check this out! Congressmen Bob Brady and Dwight Evans are 2 of 18 House Democrats to not sign on for Net Neutrality Legislation. Obviously they’re taking wads of Comcast money. I just posted on Facebook for people 
to call their offices!! Well I wasn’t paying attention and the bus just 

 north of Fairmount and I got off at Parish Street. Wes is not going
because he’s hanging out with his daughter and friends.

 Anyway, I got to get a hold of Pat and get some coffee it’s now 5:51 PM meeting starts at 6:30 
Well, The meeting was decent it was the speaker meeting but I was definitely distracted. Find me was a 
pregnant woman and her Uber husband. 

 I related to the speaker she was racing Irish Catholic family. 
in Tulsa. Anyhow, it’s time for me to bear the cold cuts the 33 bus back home it’s now 7:34 PM. I hope to get a hold A friend but I think she goes to sleep. So I suppose I 

 eed to eat and start getting my stuff together so I can move tomorrow. 
Good job America you’re doing great sleepover anytime you want.
I was too tired to pack so I have to do it early tomorrow morning at skip my meeting. Should be an interesting few days