Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Tuesday, February 4: Back to Work

Today I got up around 7:35 AM had breakfast and headed on out towards Mike’s. I bought some coffee and got reprimanded by the owner of the place 

for dumping out the Coffee at the side of the building. So we emptied out my coffee for me. It was cold, but wasn’t too bad comparatively speaking 

last few weeks. I think out the Mike’s and occupational therapist came in. I even went on multiplayer errand 
going to Fabio‘s for my shorts 

and some  shirts for Mike, and then going to CVS. There I got my script and then headed down to South Street to 

pick up Mike script for the Ridellan and they had it ready. I then got back had lunch. Mike worked on his statement about being 

robbed by that employee of Citadel. He’s trying to work on it to send to people. I was 

pretty tired so I just pushed through and they eventually took a nap. 

Chris Fluck is going to be teaching This afternoon. Well, the drama continues with the turtle place in Florida.

Loggerhead, aka the turtle place that if they cannot return money to her account by the end of the day then they will issue a check to her. Her bank does not understand

 why they can not refund money back to her. that’s $500 we’re talking about dear God funky!! It’s 3:46 PM. I’m heading to class. My stomach feels a little unsettled right now. Not sure why but that’s where it is. I’m about to go out head to class.

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