Monday, February 10, 2025

Monday, February 10:Sleeping In. Yoga/Meeting

Well, after a night of staying up till 3 AM going to the celebration after the Eagles shit can this Kansas City Chiefs 40 to 22, got up around 11 AM this 

morning. I was still pretty tired, but we went to the café and enjoyed some delicious comfort food. I had the breakfast burrito with coffee and Mary had a quesadilla. It was quite yummy Anyhow, we went back to Mary’s

 place and then I decided I I would bring food to Mike’s. This is the food I eat for lunch and drink during the day. Including the ginormous 32 ounce super coffees. After
I got back from that little adventure, I then

 got ready to go to 4 o’clock yoga with Byron. Me and Mary went there in class went well until I did cobra and my stomach got suddenly
 very nauseous and I just couldn’t do that pose. I was pretty 

wiped from staying up late and then eating a belly bomb for breakfast. Your breakfast was good, but it just didn’t quite settle. Mayor and
spent a long time at the studio just mellowing

 out and me getting my hydration pack. I bought a Gatorade and a small water and the Gatorade taste tasted like the nectar of the gods I tell you! After that, walked up to the 
Dorchester and I went off to a meeting. This meeting was pretty large and very spirited lots of young people there a good vibe I must say. Then we’re back to Mary’s. Back at marriage we just chilled out because both of us were pretty damn tired from all the activity from the previous night celebrating the Eagles Super Bowl win both of us have stomach issues and Mary thinks you might be catching a cold so we’ll see what happens sometime tomorrow night supposed to snow and up with 3 to 4 inchesof the snow stuff 

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