Saturday, February 22, 2025

Saturday, February 22: Brunch N’ Yoga

Well, today is Saturday all day long in fact. We got up around 10 AM. We’re going to meet folks at 11:30 AM for brunch at the Dock Street. It’s a nice
 clear day but it’s supposed to cloud up later. We’re just getting prepped now. I looked up Google maps and SEPTA having a “Operator unavailability” problem so we can’t take the bus down so we will walk 20 minutes to the 

place. The walk to the dock street at 22nd and Washington. It was very pleasant. There’s a sunny day in South Philly looks really nice nowadays. Mary and I ordered a 🍕 pizza and

 we split it and we hung out With Mary’s niece Maggie and her 

husband John. She’s pregnant and due next month and they have a two-year-old who came along in the stroller. 

We hung out and took our time and it was a good thing we made it earlier in the afternoon. The place wasn’t crowded when we first walked in. We just talked and Mary caught up with some 

family news and I was counting down on the pizza, which was very, very good.  Afterwards, Mary and I stroll up 22nd St. and ran into a couple landmarks. 
One of them was Doobies. It looked shattered, which is a shame because
 I have long ago. Memories of going there

 in the late 80s. Last time I ventured there was in 2015 when I was hanging 

out with Bob and Lisa during the people visit which was the end of 

September 2015. They’re very exciting times to be in Philadelphia in 

my opinion. Anyhow, it’s now 2:30 PM and I’m just gonna mellow out. It’s

 still pretty cold out. It’s supposed to go up past 40° today but it still feels pretty 

chilly. It should start warming up tomorrow and into next week. The temperature is going to be 

going up into the 50° territory. I came back to Mary’s & bad some cold iced tea. 

That was refreshing 4 sure. It’s nice just to sit and chill for a bit! well, I went

 to the 4 PM class with Mary and I was very stiff today. My balance wasn’t all that

 fantastic either but I was in a cool spot in the room so it wasn’t too bad 

but you could you could see feel the breeze coming through. It was there

 was 3️⃣ rows of people, but it was fine. It was pretty stiff today. There 

are many factors involved. Anyhow, we hung out afterwards and talked with me and a couple other people at the studio and then we headed on back 

to Mary’s where we unwound and then we threw stuff in the laundry to get done. I had to set of yoga clothes that needed to be clean so we’re cleaning them and some of 

her yoga clothes. We then talked about each other‘s families for a little bit and then it was ime to order some Indian and that’s what we’re doing. It’s almost

 8 PM in the city here. Oh, I got ripped off $10 by the vending machine 

when I was trying to buy a Gatorade it billed me four times for the Gatorade

 and I never got even one of the drinks. So I’m gonna try to get the money

 back. Last night we watched Shawshank redemption, which is really good. Hopefully

 we watch Law and Order, but we’ll decide on that at another time. Mike 

sent a picture of himself with mom. I gather he’s just going to come up for the day 
and either turn around and go back to Maryland or stay overnight for one night at Dave. That’s the way things work around here but it’s good that he visited 

that’s for sure.

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