Greetings I got up feeling pretty tired, but I slept well and that was good. I enjoyed that I got to Mike’s at a decent hour which was good and
so I don’t go to Yoga till 5:30 PM. Once I got to, Mike stood a little bit of cleanup and took a little quick nap, which was really good. 😊 Had
half of and that was pretty tasty.I then took a walk to the bank and it feels pretty cool considering
opinion. OK, well I end up talking on the phone with Donna for a bitch. She’s getting a new car and giving
it to her niece her old car to her niece. And then ate lunch. The nurse came
at 1:30 and then I got a call from Penn wanted me to do the blood lab over because of my Elevated potassium level
which the nurse of Mike explained it’s could mean a lot of things, but I was only up over normal
by .3 instead of being below 5.0 I was 5.3. So I think this lab I’ll just I’ll just fast and see if that matters.
I haven’t fasted before any of my other blood test. I’ll be seeing my doctor next month in April and going over the slight anemic blood level I have. Anyhow, it’s 2:12 PM. Yes, I’ll be about 15 minutes
for my appointment. Well, I was a much needed appointment. Got a lot done with 15 minutes less. The sun is out and I be leaving Mike’s around 3:45 PM. Well, I went
Mary’s and mellowed out for a little bit. She printed out my form. I’m gonna bring that tomorrow to Staples to fax it over and then maybe followed
up with a mail
copy. I don’t know yet. Anyway, I’m heading to my 530 class and I’m gonna barely make it on time. Nice day out right now. well
,I made it to class on time and Dan was very serious to start the class. I think it was his effect of his trip to India. It was very warm and there was a lot of humidity so it made a little hard to breathe a
bloody cracked the window a little bit and I did pretty good for me for standing bow. I was digging
that on my good leg anyhow afterwards took a nice shower and went to yin and Mary met me there and it was very peaceful class. She did a little Reiki at the end cause there’s only five of us and it was very cool. It’s 854. I’m getting some Indian.
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