Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Tuesday April 12: Leaving for West Palm Beach

Well I got up around 8:45 AM had a bunch of breakfast and then talked to Alice for a while. She went back to work and I hurriedly packed my stuff up so I 

can get to the airport on time on time means approximate hour and a half for 

sale before the flight. My bad got extra inspected because I forgot I had 

a little thing of water 8 ounces but you can’t have any liquids in the airport. I did manage to by mistake sneak in a banana and my sunscreen I was very lucky there. I 

like to do it right. It’s now 1:21 PM. We’re slowly rolling down the runway 
to the stuff for 1 PM flight. Well it’s 3:39 PM. Flights been OK so far a few bumps along the way. I was lucky to be able to time when I had
 to go up and

 take care of business right after the lady next to me got up so I wouldn’t be giving it to her. I decided to pay six dollars and 50 Cent Internet
 access for a 

half hour. Keep me entertained. I use 30 minutes on the computer and got a root rid of all my Block or spam that was pretty good. The Philly mask mandate has started. Folks are 

a little unhappy because they just lifted it a month ago. I know this link will expire in one year but I can’t help that inquiry is sort of 2nd
rate that way they should always have the links. When we stop by Atlanta and I got some dinner thank goodness because the flight was delayed an hour because the copilot was on another flight we have to wait for the copilot to show up. They knew her the whole time but they wanted to get us on the plane. Probably to save them from having to pay for somebody’s hotel room.😩🙁🤪. Now left 50 7 PM and the copilot has finally showed up. I’m guessing they’re waiting for the instructions when the plane crashes and now you have to pull the oxygen mask stuff and the remind us to keep a mask on. Philadelphia ma News by imposing its mask mandate. It is now 12:10 AM the plane is leaving

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