Saturday, February 28, 2009

Feb 28th

Today I went to Carolyne's Ostara Yoga Class held at the Energy Plus store on Commerce Street in Bridgeton NJ. It was a good class and loosened me up. After class we had a coffee at Brenner's Brew. After we got home, I walked the dogs and talked to a couple of fellows about the state of the arts district and the pending MDC vote to take place on March 12 at 8am. With the dogs walked, we set upon painting the living room of our house. We got all the sanding and spackling done along with the 1st coat. Our neighbor Elizabeth came over and was a big help in getting the work done today. It was more fun with 3 people helping out then just 2.
Its raining out now but tomorrow night into Monday its going to snow and we may get
a REAL amount this time. I will be working the Philly Flower Show this week starting Monday and will work to Friday night unless the recession and/or weather shortens my time at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.
Well, got to get to bed cause there is a lot of work to be done to get the Fithian House Gallery open by March 20th. I surly hope that folks come to our house and not our neighbors house.

MDC To Decide Ad Agency Contract!

I attended this meeting as a private citizen on Feb 25th at City Hall. It went from 5pm to about 8:30 or so.
Three agencies are going for the contract which will go to 2011. They are Graphicus, Whyble Advertising and an outside company called JFG. The decision will be announced at the March MDC meeting on March 12 at 8am. We were inpressed with one of them who had a catchy phrase.
MDC members were in attendence and were voting for each of the 3 companies as they gave their pitches. Whyble Advertising is the current holder of the contract and has been the agency for eight years.
I will keep my preference a secreat untill March 12th. You can guess between now and then.
I look forward to hearing opinions.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Historic West Philly


the case of 4224-26 Baltimore, I agree with you: if knocking it down wasn't possible, the current owner probably wouldn't have bought it. And it probably wouldn't have been worth $3.5 million if the house had to remain. And if the value had been lower, perhaps someone with a better use in mind would have been able to afford it. Historic districts aren't all about gentrification; things aren't that simplistic. In a case like this, an HD probably would have kept the price lower; it would have been our friend!

This is a building that is being torn down. Its an historic building. Photos were takenFriday Feb 27

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Nasty Shredder

At work today a woman got her fingers stuck in a paper shredder and it took a bunch of paramedics and firemen 39 minutes to get her out. At last report no fingers were broken. She is going to the emergancy room as we speak. Its now 11:50 am now back to work.
Update. No fingers lost in fact no broken bones either.

Monday, February 23, 2009


The guys came at 8:10 and were done at 9:05am today

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hollywood: How Lowes Can You Go

Today it was time for Lowes to deliver our new appliances. Well, they did show up at 10:15. am They then did not install the dishwasher since they did not have a plumbers license. I called Lowes and asked them WHY they did not bring someone to install the dishwasher and I got them to bring someone tomorrow at 8:30am. Oh by the way they forgot to take the old refrigerator away and Lowes employees had to come back. Lowes contracted out appliance delivery to a company called 3PD. The fellows that DID get the old fridge stated that they have been running around making up for the mistakes of 3PD. Well Lowes forgot to tell the 2 fellows of the 3PD. company that the fridge was already taken away. You can see this on the video. At 8pm tonite the Academy Awards just came on and it stared off in a odd fashon. I just saw Hugh Jackman singing about being a slumdog millionare and singing the words human excrement to Kate Winslet. He was on his bended knee while doing this. I was just floored how "fabulous" actors can be!!
How BIZZARE can Hollywood be? I can see they can relate to us and the recession that we are in. I mean singing about poop in prime time. How strange for me. I am done for the evening.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Getting Ready for March 20th

We got our oven in the house thanks to Isabelle, Ian, Carl, and Keith whose help was invaluable.
Two artists came in today as well to go over what he will be showing March 20th
when we open

Friday, February 20, 2009


Here it is early morning of Feb 20th. Some thoughts are in order. What were they thinking with that stupid cartoon in the NY Post? I guess was to GRAB attention and my friends they did succeed in that endeavor. I think some of the angry conservatives need some therapy so they can move past their trauma. I enjoy checking out other blogs since there are many folks with thoughtful things to say. One topic that come up about the recently stimulus plan is a " Buy American clause that became a part of the plan. In his trip to Canada, President Obama assured the Canadian Prime Minister that the US would abide by its trade agreements. A blog called Gone Like the Wind questions those in the media (like CBS 60 minutes program) who are opposed to this provision. Also frigid weather is back and man did I feel it tonite when I walked my 3 dogs to the Millville Riverfront. Its February and it will remain on again off again cold till the end of March. I just wondered what happened to Hootie and the Blowfish? They were very big in the 90's. Maybe they decided to stop being artists and went into politics or just went fishing with their kids. Who knows and who really cares. Now a band like REM now we are talking. Listen to Monster sometime. It was their 9th album released in 1994 when I got married. Here is one of the songs I dig in this album called Bang and Blame. I used to watch this video of their song Crush with Eyeliner all the time cause its fun and rocks!
Shall I comment on Millville politics? Umm. I had some interesting conversations at the Oar House this week. Topics included the elections for the Millville Board of Education and the Millville City Commission. Of course the group TrackRacket came up as well as the future of the Municipal Airport. The last meeting of the City Commission was discussed but I did NOT bring up the ugly signs that were allowed to be put up. It is good to have a store to buy a quick milk or drink and the man is very nice. I am seeing them now as good neighbors, I just don't look up.
I hope to be Fixing a Hole and moving ahead. We are working on opening of the Fithian Gallery March 20th. Do you like the photo of the Millville pedestrian bridge? It was take on Feb 15th. The city park is definitely getting better! I should ask Janice Gandy to meet me there and maybe we can have a civil discourse. A year from now hopefully we can cross the bridge away from this recession.
Later today its 3rd Friday

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Angry Man on the Radio & My Blog

Well, my last entry really got the folks going. I bet some love to listen to Sean Hannity go off when a caller EVEN tries to offer a different opinion. Tuesday while driving home from work, I heard this at 5:30 on WPHT in Philly.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

City Commission Meeting Feb 19 2009

The City commission Approved plans to build a senior center. This is good news for sure. The News of Cumberland County reported that an abatement was "stripped" from Millville business. These are worth writing about but there were other things that happened at this meeting if you were willing to sit there in the heat. The agenda items were completed in 30 min. The public comments were much LONGER!
Paul Porrecca spoke for at least 30 min about abatements. Also Commissioner Vanaman stated that he talked to the Vineland tax assessor and this tax assessor contadicted Vineland Mayor Ramano by telling Vanaman that the new Wal-mart did NOT receive abatements. Michele Post of Track Racket spoke for 15 minutes responding to critics. Some her statements were sarcastic but she got her points across. She stated that TrackRacket's goal was NOT to close down the racetrack. but Her Group, Commissioners, and the track folks will meet in the next 2 weeks. Post stated that there are no more public meetings planned. Another man complained about the costs of vandelism in the city and how much the insurance was going to pay and asked where are the video cameras. Atlantic City Elec is holding things up with delays. The city is waiting to get the proper paperwork and it was clear that they were fustrated with the delay.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A New Week

Well, Its Feb 17th and what lies ahead? Well, getting ready for March 20th to open our gallery. A school board election in Mid-April as well taxes being due. There is the school district budget and contract negotiations which will be a challenge due to frozen state support. Corzine's funding plan will be decided by the courts in several weeks. The Philadelphia Flower Show is starting March 1st. I will again work during the week and this will be my 10th year working for ABG though the owner of states I may have my hours reduced due to the economy being in the crapper. The Millville City Commission elections are being held in May and if you read the Daily Journal forums then you would believe that the current city commissioners have done NOTHING RIGHT. At least Ian Roberts put his name down unlike the cowards who just bitch and moan under fake names. These forums are an echo chamber of the bitter and resentful side of Millville. I have to wonder what they want Millville to be and why I bother to read. I guess its like listening to Sean Hannity after work. I guess I am curious of the latest OUTRAGE of the angry.
Time to get to work in West Philly at the Welfare Department

Monday, February 16, 2009

Congratulations Bob and Anna

Front Page of the News of Cumberland County Monday Feb 16th

Arthur Laffer guesses WRONG on the Economy

I was checking out my favorite political blog Crooks and Liars and I linked to this video. This man Peter Schiff predicted this Global Recession and the financial crises. I liked that Arthur Laffer the man credited with creating the Laffer Curve , got BURNED on this video. This is the economic theory that the Regan administration used as a basis of their economic plan in 1981. The premise of the Laffer Curve is that tax cuts boost revenues. The Bush administration pushed Congress to pass 2 major tax cuts which did not increase tax revenues to the federal government. President Obama has 286 billion dollars in tax cuts of his stimulus plan They were about the same as the one that President Bush enacted in 2001 and 2003. I guess that since the tax cuts went to middle and lower income Americans, instead of folks who have large estates the Republicans did not Line THIS tax cut!

"On August 28, 2006, Art Laffer appeared on Kudlow & Company to debate Peter Schiff, president of Euro Pacific Capital. Laffer made a bet with Schiff that there wouldn't be a recession, and that the housing bubble wouldn't bust in the next year or two. Both agreed to put their credibility on the line and the winner would receive a penny.
Laffer appeared almost two years after that interview, on "Real Time with Bill Maher", on October 24, 2008. Maher asked him, "Have you paid off that bet?" Laffer replied that he had not."

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Getting Ready for Business..

It was a nice sunny day today in Millville. We did some errands and continued to make changes and prepare for opening our gallery and store. Over the past week went to Lowe's, Ashley, Boscovs etc to make preparations. In the course of cleaning out my basement I found parts of an old oven made by the Abraham Cox Stove Co. (see top photo) The company was located in Phila Pa at American and Dauphin Streets in the early 1900's. This piece was very old and HEAVY and there were other heavy parts as well that may have been part of the oven as well. I plan to save the parts and see what value or other information I can find.
We plan on changing our kitchen and the first 2 rooms of the house. The basement and attac will need to be organized to fit merchandise. Of course the insurance and govt paperwork has to be handled by March 20th when the Fithian House Gallery is set to open. Good night

Friday, February 13, 2009

Union Lake Development Update Feb 13 2009

As avid readers of this blog know, the City of
Millville has sought to develop 500 Acres of land
near Union Lake currently owned by WAWA Inc.
You can read my November 7th and February 12 2008
entries about attempts to develop this land. There
has been talk that the proposed new high school could
be built on this land as well as reported on November 18 2008

Lake. As mentioned in the AC Press article by Ed Van Embden
dated today February 13th,
the city is seeking alternatives such as seeking Green
Acres funding and not having residential development and
having the developer seek funding to deal with the
traffic issues. The city is wishing to build 2 hotels on this site as well.
As reported in the Feb 12 2008 editon of the AC Press.

"On Monday, the board granted final site plan approval for the construction of two hotels in the city's north end next to state Route 55 and Route 47, one of the county's busiest roads - with a condition.

To receive a certificate of occupancy, the hotel developer must build a connecting road on land it does not even own.

Vice Mayor and Planning Board Member Joe Derella said this is the first time he can remember a developer being asked to address an issue by using another party's property."

There will no doubt that federal and state approvals will be needed to move this project forward.

Some wish to have this property preserved in its entirety as
a scenic gateway to Millville. Groups such as the Local
chapter of the American Littoral Society, led by Matt Blake and Citizens United
have led this effort and have made compelling
arguments concerning various proposals to develop this land.
It seems now there seems a spirit of compromise on this issue which
is heartening. Here is a small snippet:

"Jane Galetto, founder of Citizens United to Protect the Maurice River and its Tributaries, said she and environmental groups are aware of Millville's plan to seek mixed-use development for the site and have reached out to the city and the state to help realize some terms and conditions.

While Galetto said she would like to see the entire area preserved because of its value to wildlife and its potential for recreation, she is not wholly against the idea of mixed use, especially considering the alternatives of major development.

"We'll see what the ultimate configuration will be," Galetto said of the study. "We've been advocates for preserving the entire property for years, but we're open to discuss if there's a way in which everyone will be comfortable with the outcome."

I think a balanced and well-thought out plan is vital to economic development and to preserve the quality of life here in Millville and Cumberland County. We need to to be careful
not to get in a Ratables Chase. This blog will keep you updated as this issue is discussed and
debated in the months and years to come. The outcome will determine the future of Millville and Cumberland County.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Trashing the Internet!

I just read this in one of the best websites I know called Crooks and Liars .

US Senator Dianne Feinstein hopes to update President Barack Obama's $838bn economic stimulus package so that American ISPs can deter child pornography, copyright infringement, and other unlawful activity by way of "reasonable network management."

Clearly, a lobbyist whispering in Feinstein's ear has taken Comcast's now famous euphemism even further into the realm of nonsense.

Please go and contact your 2 Senators and your Congressman. You can go here and send an email.
This is censorship. The ISP's like COMCAST want to stifle content is does not like

I am not Running for Re-Election for School Board.

I will continue to be active in helping Millville reach its potential.
The photo is from a tech fair held at Lakeside Middle School. The district is focusing on learning and not letting the state or economy stymie them. I hope good people run for the board and have the time to learn and be dedicated board members. Here is an article from the Feb 11th Daily Journal written by Joel Landau. The gallery will open March 3rd Friday and will be called Fithian House Gallery.

MILLVILLE -- There will be at least one new member of the Millville Board of Education after the April 21 election.
Mark Krull -- who was elected to a one-year term last year -- said Tuesday he would not run for re-election in April.

Krull said he and his wife, Carolyne, are opening a gallery in their East Pine Street home next month, and he did not feel he had enough time to devote to the school board.

"I can't put the time in it really deserves," he said. "If you can't spend the time, you're not doing a service to the kids, and that's what it's all about."

Krull said he enjoyed serving on the board and it is doing a good job, especially considering economic constraints from the state.

Voters will select three candidates for three-year terms during April's election. The other two members up for reelection, Connie Johnson and Bill Herman, have already returned their petitions to run again, said Business Administrator Bryce Kell.

"There's a need to meet the needs of children in the community," Johnson said. "Anyone who can step forward and volunteer their services should do so."

Herman, the board's president, said he wants to continue to be a part of the district's future.

"We're going in a good direction and I want to see it continue," he said.

Two other residents have requested petitions to run in this year's election, Kell said, but he declined to reveal the prospective candidates' identities

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Freeholder Whelen meets the Public

I went to Millville First’s Tuesday night (Feb 10th 2009) meeting featuring Freeholder Whelan. He filled in for Lou Magazzu. Whelan gets high marks for being a nice guy and someone who is taking his job as a freeholder very seriously. His problem is that there is a lot he doesn’t know.
There were questions about the salary of the Cumberland College not just the president, whose salary was reported at $250K, but other top administrators as well.
I found myself agreeing with Mr. Porecca one of the heads of Millville First. There is also County Watchdog group headed by Cindy Zirkle. She seems to have her eye on the ball. Stay tuned

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Welfare Cheats!!

These guys are the same fellows who made it like bandits off of GW Bush's tax cuts. There is no shame for the rich and right-wing. Go for it Prez Obama and get this stimulus plan passed. We tried all tax cuts and look where it got us

Saturday, February 07, 2009

New Ostara Yoga Classes

New Yoga Class at the Artists' Consortium & 2nd

Thursday Yoga Class Sketching

When: Begins Thursday, 2/26, 5:30-6:45pm

Where: The Artists' Consortium, 129B N. High Street

Contact for sketching yoga classes: Jenny Klein- 609-774-4473

Contact for yoga class- Carolyne Krull – 327-9534.

New Ostara Yoga class starting Thursday, 2/26, 5:30-6:45pm at the Artists' Consortium, 129B High Street, Millville, NJ. 2nd Thursday sketching of yoga class call 609-774-4473. For yoga information call 856-327-9534.


Full information release:

Ostara Yoga Community Class will begin a Thursday, 2/26, 5:30-6:45 pm, all levels yoga class. The focus will be on reducing stress while gaining flexibility, awareness, balance and strength. All are welcome. Suggested donation per class is $5-10. Classes are on-going. Class cards for 10 classes are available for $45. The Consortium is large, airy room with beautiful wood floors: perfect for yoga. Public yoga mats are available. If you want to buy your own mat, try Target, Wal-Mart or Bed, Bath. If you have health issues or have never done yoga before, please call before attending class. Contact Ostara Yoga/ Carolyne Krull at 856-327-9534 or Please contact me if $ is a problem. Don't ever let $ stop you from attending yoga. Visit new the website for schedule

The class location is in the new Artist Consortium at 129-B High Street, Millville, NJ. On the 2nd Thursday of each month we would like to invite artists to sketch a yoga class in progress. Sign up for sketching will be on a first come, first serve basis. There will be 5-6 sketching spots each month. Call Jenny at (609)774-4473, The Artists' House Art Supplies, located within the Artists' Consortium to let us know that you'll be coming. If you can't be included in one month we will make every effort to schedule you the following month. Please arrive to set up at least 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the yoga class. We are going to ask you to donate $3 to Ostara Yoga for the opportunity to draw the interesting and dynamic poses….we think it's a terrific bargain.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Snow Job

I see that Mr. Magazzu is now the Taxpayer Friend. Umm could this be cause he is running for election
He wrote this in the BEN Column on Feb 3rd 2008
“The Cumberland County Board of Freeholders has been fiscally responsible over the last 12 years, in particular, and the proof of that will be how the county fares compared with others in this historical economic crisis.
If this is so then...

***In 2008 the total municipal rate paid by the Millville tax payer decreased from 2007

***In 2008 the total non municipal rate paid by the Millville tax payer increased from 2007

Thanks to Magazzu Watch for the above stats

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Listen the Snow is Falling

Feb 3rd 8:30pm in Millville NJ

Front Page News

This is a first for me. I was on the front page of the Feb 3rd News of Cumberland County. Yes, its not the New York Times but I will take it!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Auction Action

On Jan 31st we went to an Auction at the Elks Club. Here is the info.

Von Rhine Auction Service


Saturday January 31, 2009, 9:00 AM

Elks Lodge of Millville

1815 E. Broad Street

Millville, NJ. 08332

This Sale includes Four partial estates from the South Jersey area.

A Wide Range of Quality Antiques-Furniture-Advertising-Collectibles, Being Sold With No Reserve

Auctioneer's Notes: This auction offers a diverse variety of antiques, collectibles, furniture, table & box lots, and much, much more. Something of interest for Everyone! You will not be disappointed! All Items Must be Removed the Day of Sale. All Items are Sold AS- IS / WHERE IS with No Warranties or Guarantees Implied.

Preview: Saturday January 31, 8-9 AM

NOTE: Sale Starting at 9:00 AM (Box Lots)

Auctioneer: Carl von Rhine

(Sole Proprietor- Not Affiliated with Any Other Auctions or Persons)

Millville Neighborhood Summit

Yesterday Janurary 31st 2009, the Neighborhood Summit was held at Memorial High School.
It was organized by(AHOME)Affordable Homes of Millville Ecumenical and Millville Weed and Seed Program, with a grant from the Wachovia Foundation. This year's Neighborhood Summit was conducted differently from last year's event in that is was a working conference to hammer our issues affecting the Weed and Seed area of Millvillle.

The five biggest issues were discussed: crime and public safety, neighborhood cleanliness, abandoned and run-down buildings, lack of jobs, and a general absence of friendliness among neighbors.

With a handful of moderators such as Stephen Kehs, vice president of Vineland-based Triad Associates,on site, attendees formed five groups to tackle the five problems, Ideas and solutions were listed and shared by residents and organizers at the summit. Many ideas were given to make the center city a better place to live. After all Center City is the heart of our city!
All in attendence commended the Millville Police Department for the improvement in the neighborhoods. Chief Ed Grennon stated that all officers will receive training in Community Policeing.
This is the third in a series designed to address Center City problems. The second was held on November 13th 2008.

An original Wachovia grant of $90,000 was provided to AHOME for the purpose of finding out the problems. AHOME held a block party and asked residents to complete a survey in August to ask residents about the problems and try to narrow them down; the result was the list of five urgent issues.
Getting the grant requires developing a plan and getting input from as many people as possible Merchants have been contacted, as has the Millville Board of Education. The Summit is one more step to this goal.