Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Tuesday, December 27: A Damned Dental Day

Boy was I tired. when I woke up this morning, I was totally shocked

 I mean tired and zonked. I’m glad I reset the alarm for 6:45 that extra 15 minutes was pretty glorious. Having quickly breakfast and brought in my Amazon order that came in last night. 

Thank goodness it was cold so everything was fine. Also, don’t live in a bad neighborhood which helps too. The train came only about two or three minutes late and I showed up on time 

at Mikes. And then picked up his Amazon order and then I had to take a nap because

 I was really tired. IZen headed to the dentist office. They 

called me and wanted me to come 45 minutes earlier and I showed up abouttwo minutes late because I was busy making video for yesterday’s blog posting. Also 

complained to super coffee about their formula. Changing their container changes. so I went to the dentist office after picking up the Amazon for Mike and

 the tooth didn’t fit, they found an infection on my root canal tooth. I had just put a crown on it, and they found two cavities. I then went to Dollar General to buy Mike

 some food and ended up the card was from a different store but fortunately it was only a $25 purchase. So work that out then I called the dentist you did the root canal 

and I got myself an appointment to come in today. It’s now 1:52 PM. I came in and they did a full scan x-ray on my mouth and scheduled me for next 

Thursday, January 5, 2023. And then walk back to Mike’s and finally had my lunch which was the quinoa. I signed out at 3 o’clock and I’m just gonna relax for a 

minute and unwind. I have a lot of dental bullshit ahead of me. Hopefully it won’t be bad, but I really find
out First when they called me for the new tooth and then when Dr Wolgin sees me. I get back to Mikes and I relaxed for a little while and talked. I finished my 

late lunch of quinoa and then left Mikes around 4 o’clock. I did email Yoga Philadelphia
about the New Year’s Eve thing. Also 

have a cleaning scheduled New Year’s Eve at 9:30 AM. I need to train with little time to spare. It left at 4:25 PM. It’s an express train to Bryn Mawr then it goes to Wayne. 
It really goes slow through West philly between 30th and Overbrook. Something
about Amtrak I never was able to explain it, and then off the Verge 

Yoga in Wayne  when I went to class got there on time and it was pretty

 intense for a 60 minute class for sure. Lotta balancing stuff. Some similar stuff to Hot Yoga. Anyhow, after class, Donna drop me off at the Hughes 

Hughes Park at the Norristown high-speed line which is close to her house. I then came home 
ate and then talked on the phone. And then decided to do some laundry and I’m glad I did. Well why I was on the phone I realize I had three pairs of the Blunstone boots which I haven’t worn in quite some time. Maybe I’ll start wearing them and stuff.

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